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  1. Jul 2023
    1. He explains that rich white men have convinced poor white men that all of their problems are the result of Black and Brown people. Rather than poor white men aligning their interests with poor people of color, they instead align themselves with the elite white men who control the country. His mantra is that white men particularly have engrained racial superiority, white supremacy, and white privilege, yet he also projects that this racism can be unlearned in pursuit of anti-racism which is discussed in the final section of this chapter.

      I want to explore it in relation to white trans femmes in particular [11:27 PM]Decay Toad: How their experiences with racial superiority contrast/compare to white cis people's experiences vs trans poc, and then how the transgender identity intersects with that and perhaps increases exposure/understanding of leftist politics [11:28 PM]Decay Toad: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the phenomenon of former alt-right white people who become deradicalized and then come out as trans