7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2021
  2. Jun 2021
    1. Perhaps mention as well that textbooks - well, any source, but textbooks specifically can be written from the dominant cultural view and have certainly been inaccurate - the need for critical examination no matter how "expert" the source - I think a note about how textbooks have erased or hidden the history of some people, generally people of color, poor, etc.

    2. probably

      You may know - better so that it doesn't assume that they do know

    1. data gathered from an experiment on color perception, an interview, or Farm Service Administration photographs from the 1930s.

      Also can we have examples that are representative of people of color - maybe instead of Kurt Vonnegut (though I love him! ) - the letters of Toni Morrison (?) - just a made up example, but look to get more primary sources that reflect diversity - or say the redlining map drawn in Jim Crow, etc.

    2. Also, these are skills needed for a member of a democracy and for all levels of work - the phrase professional leadership role seems elitist a bit? Emphasize for democracy and for all critically thinking students (?)

    1. Exercise\PageIndex{1}

      This instant feedback is cool! Can you build more of these into other practice exercises? The opportunity to actively engage and then get feedback is great!

    2. I wonder if you can emphasize the equity aspect even more that reading and analyzing deeply empowers us to share our own informed perspective. We are able to take part in the conversation. We develop our own authority and our ideas join the academic conversation