23 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2020
    1. Digital literacy is more than technological know-how: it includes a wide variety of ethical, social and reflective practices that are embedded in work, learning, leisure and daily life.

      definition of digital literacy

    1. When we read, the eye does not progress steadily along the line of text; it alternates between saccades—little jumps—and brief stops, not unlike the movement of the mouse’s cursor across a screen of hypertext

      I absolutely love this comparison!

    2. endless, mesmerizing buzz”

      its so easy to just get lost in a spiral online

    3. critics fear that digital technology has put this gift in peril.

      this is so true, i read my parents this quote and they could agree more with it. they said that reading a book is not the same as it was before social media and the internet which i found interesting.

    1. Advocate for equitable access to and accessibility of texts, tools, and information;

      advocating for students is one of the biggest reasons i want to be in education

    2. learning is a lifelong process which invites students and teachers alike to benefit from reflecting on questions associated with the continued literacy demand

      learning is a lifelong process and as social and multi media change and evolve, we as educators need to stay on top of it and make sure that we can, to the best of our ability, teach our students how to use the world that is right at their finger tips to further and better their education

    3. Additionally, learners with disabilities should be provided equitable access to text, tools, and information and, when necessary, advocate for this access in all of their learning experiences.

      learners with disabilities should always be advocated for-could more online work be more beneficial?

    4. Not only should learners have opportunities to explore and engage with a wide variety of  inclusive texts and tools, but they should also be provided equitable access to these texts and  tools on a frequent basis

      agree 100%!!! every child should become digitally literate in this day and age

    5. that a literate person possess and intentionally apply a wide range of skills, competencies, and dispositions. These literacies are interconnected, dynamic, and malleable. As in the past, they are inextricably linked with histories, narratives, life possibilities, and social trajectories of all individuals and groups. Active, successful participants in a global society must be able to

      expansion upon literacy

    6. Literacy has always been a collection of communicative and sociocultural practices shared among communities

      definition of literacy

  2. Feb 2020
    1. Google Docs is an excellent example of this: by allowing learners to collaborate and communicate with one another through a web-based word processing document, time and space are no longer factors in a collaborative enterprise, as the technology removes those barriers for students.

      interesting take and I have noticed this while in college it is definitely easier for group members to be on a google doc vs finding a time and place that works for everyone

    2. Personalized learning technologies can, ironically, make the learning experience less personal, less human

      completely agree

    1. As a matter of practical significance, however, most of the technologies under consideration in current literature are newer and digital and have some inherent properties that make applying them in straightforward ways difficult.

      Teachers that aren't "tech savvy" may struggle with incorporating tech in the class room

    2. never hear of teaching as an ill-structured discipline until now but it does make sense

    1. In the past two decades, earnings have dropped for those without high school degrees, while dropout rates have continued to remain high among vulnerable populations.

      we as educators have to answer the question of how can we better engage students at higher risk for dropping out in order to keep them in school ?

    1. Peer Supported Connected learning thrives in a socially meaningful and knowledge-rich ecology of ongoing participation, self-expression and recognition. In their everyday exchanges with peers and friends, young people fluidly contribute, share and give feedback. Powered with possibilities made available by today’s social media, this peer culture can produce learning that’s engaging and powerful

      way to incorporate today's technological and social media influences into learning

    2. Traditional education is failing to engage many students as they enter their middle school, high school, and college years. The culture clash between formal education and interest-driven, out-of-school learning is escalating in today’s world where social communication and interactive content is always at our fingertips. We need to harness these new technologies for learning rather than distraction.

      I've noticed my college professors are sometimes struggling to keep students engaged because every single one of us has our phones out ready to check any notification

    3. The research is clear. Young people learn best when actively engaged, creating, and solving problems they care about, and supported by peers who appreciate and recognize their accomplishments.

      completely agree!

    4. Connected learning thrives in a socially meaningful and knowledge-rich ecology of ongoing participation, self-expression and recognition

      good for group work and for individual work

    5. Interests foster the drive to gain knowledge and expertise. Research has repeatedly shown that when the topic is personally interesting and relevant, learners achieve much higher-order learning outcomes. Connected learning views interests and passions that are developed in a social context as essential elements.

      I absolutely agree that keeping learners interested can lead to better learning outcomes.

    6. avenue towards economic and political opportunity

      interesting choice of words, i wish they would have expanded a bit more

    7. promotes skills and dispositions for lifelong learning

      important for early learners

    8. Young people learn best when actively engaged, creating, and solving problems they care about, and supported by peers who appreciate and recognize their accomplishments.

      this is so true especially in early childhood, active engagement is extremely important in the foundations of learning.