8 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. the peppered moth had light colored wings that closely matched the color of the bark of the trees. This inherited trait provided camouflage for the moths helping to protect them from predator birds. Although most of the moths had light colored wings, a few each generation had darker wings, but without sufficient camouflage these darker colored moths had been easy prey

      It is interesting to see how finches as well as something so small like moths have gone through natural selection and evolution. One to have different beaks throughout time to be able to access food better and the other to help them camouflage in their environment to be able to survive.

    1. "misprints," mutations. Self-reproduction plus mutation make possible natural selection. Natural selection makes possible evolution." We might even say that given these conditions, natural selection and evolution are not only possible, but inevitable.

      mutations and misprints are what makes evolution possible, and completely unavoidable through nature

    2. Why do we have emotions and why are our emotions so similar to the emotions found in a wide range of other animal species?  Why do we have the capacity to think, why does our thinking take the forms that it does, and why are many of our thinking processes fundamentally similar to the thinking processes found in many other animal species?

      evolution and survival of the fittest; we, as well as other species and organisms are able to adapt to environments. While through evolution there are changes throughout both the population and species

    1. brain areas become more active, more blood flows to that area

      it would be interesting to see a person's brain that is stressed or worried vs someone's who is calm.

    2. positron emission tomography (PET) scans

      examine brain activity and communication

    3. case where a young man had sustained damage to the left frontal lobe and as a result was unable to produce spoken speech. However, the patient was able to comprehend speech and had average intelligence. After his death, Broca performed an autopsy and determined that the patient had a lesion in the frontal lobe

      I recall learning about this specific case in IB Psych senior year, it was so interesting but also upsetting to learn about how depending on where the brain is injured, it could cause speech and other cognitive problems

    1. help psychologists understand the link between brain and behavior.

      There are many studies throughout the years done all over the world where doctors and psychologists examine the brain through scans to try and figure out what parts of the brain we are using when doing certain activities and how they stimulate our mind.

    2. critically examines a common myth about the brain

      Using only left/ right side of the brain? specific genres of music help you study and or make you smarter