10 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. 7% BMW Automobile

      For a high end car manufacturer like BMW, that 7% profit is significant. It's like if you saved 7%of your monthly allowance; over time, that amount would grow and could be used for something substantial.

    2. 3% Amazon Retail

      For a company as massive as Amazon, even a small percentage like that translates into huge amounts of money. If I had a really big piggy bank and added just a few coins each day, those coins would add up quickly because the piggy bank is so large.

    1. Artificial intelligence

      Artificial intelligence is cool and scary at the same time. It's just scary to think about, I have seen some robots and how advanced they are and its just crazy to me!

    2. 4 billion people live without internet

      That is such a huge number! Imagine if half of the world's population couldn't access all the cool stuff we do online-no social media, no streaming, no instant answers to random questions.

    1. My professors often provide students with the full text to course readings.

      To me it makes studying a breeze because we have everything we need right at our fingertips. It's like having a personal library catered just for us.

    2. My professors encourage academic freedom.

      I get to explore and express my ideas with out restrictions. It's like having the freedom to dive into topics that really interest me, questions existing theores, and even come up with new ones.This kind of environment helps me grown intellectually and become a more critical thinker.

    3. My high school had a library and a librarian.

      Even if I didn't have accessto the internet at school, I still had resources to find the information I was looking for. Either for a class or for when I was curious about something.

    1. Academic publishing is big business. These companies are making billions of dollars. You've undoubtedly been directly impacted by this; you've likely faced decisions on whether to buy a $100+ textbook that is required for a course.

      I personaly believe the monetary of academic publishing is pretty huge. School journals and books often cost a lot to access because they contain high quality, peer reviewed research.

    2. e idea that status impacts your access to information is nothing new.

      I personally believe that information privilege is like having VIP access to all the cool stuff that helps us learn an understand things better in school and college.It's like a golden ticket to libraries, online resources, and expert knowledge that make studying a lot more easier and more fun!

    3. Students, even those in high school, enjoy information privileges that aren't afforded to the general public.

      I think it's super important because it gives us access to a wealth of resources that can enhance our learning and understanding of various subjects. Having access to school journals, databases, and other educational materials means we can dive deeper into topics, get accurate information, and develop well informed opinions.