4 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2023
    1. Start with a baseline of 100. One percent better, each day for a year, equals 100∗(1+0.01)365=3,778. One percent worse, each day for a year, equals 100∗(1−0.01)365=0.03.

      WOW, really amazing equations!

    1. 2 types of clauses based on its role: - dependent clause - independent clause

      4 types of sentences based on its structure: - simple sentence - complex sentence - compound sentence - compound-complex sentence

      4 types of sentences based on its functions: - declarative sentence - imperative sentence - exclamatory sentence - interrogative sentence

      A sentence can be a single clause or several clauses. A sentence which contains only one independent clause is known as a simple sentence. A sentence which contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause is known as a complex sentence. A sentence which contains two or more independent clauses is known as a compound sentence. A sentence which contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause is known as a compound-complex sentence.

    1. 优先学习德语或法语,然后再学习英语。 德语在发音语法方面都很严谨规整,构词多以合成词为主,极少有例外(这很德国)。 英语在各方面都比较灵活多变,包含大量的特殊情况,不规则用法等。 所以德语入门比较难,但之后会轻松不少,英语入门很容易,但想要进阶是需要长时间的积累。 Language English is a child of Germany and French, really? LOL