28 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
    1. individual sentences to make our arguments clearer and more powerful.


    2. establish trust and a sense of connection.

      Getting someone's trust is important

    3. arguments move us

      How this helps us!

    4. how to recognize and use methods of persuasion that go beyond logic.

      Recognizing this is important!

    5. We can frame many logical principles in terms of practical templates.

      Good idea!

    6. research can lead us to develop an argument of our own.

      Doing research to help out our argument is vital.

    7. find and examine multiple sources on a topic

      Including source will help support your argument.

    8. offer something new in response

      Providing an alternative idea!

    9. how to test the strength of the argument and make a judgment about it.

      Making a strong argument will help provide your point more.

    10. summarize it

      Breaking them down!

    11. It starts with understanding and describing others' arguments, then moves on to assessing those arguments’ strengths and weaknesses and articulating our own points in response.

      Doing this step by step process, could help out in the future run!

    12. practical guide to college writing.

      Good tool for reading!

    1. Slow thinking doesn’t come easily, even for supposed experts.

      Anyone can struggle with this!

    2. Those of us who don’t start out with power can build it by arguing well about the issues that matter to us and our communities. The habits of mind we learn as readers and writers can help us develop our political opinions.

      With various of topics, opinions, etc... Knowing how to argue your points is essential!

    3. But slow thinking is not just for academic work and professional life.

      It may require a lot of research.

    4. They enable us to communicate and explain our decisions to colleagues and respond to their questions and critiques.

      It helps us go through our daily lives in our professional career!

    5. effort from every student and scholar

      It all depends on the person if they want to learn this process.

    6. It takes mental sweat.  It takes time.  We need each other’s help and input. Reading, writing, and revising help us get clearer about our own ideas and those of others

      Asking your peers for opinion, will truly help your writing. Aside from your thinking, being able to hear opinions from others... You may learn things you never knew about.

    7. Often, we are not even conscious of these biases, and only slow thinking and engagement with different perspectives can help us overcome them.

      A lot of people will deny that they are biased on certain topics. However, this isn't true in most cases.

    8. we read a headline without reading the whole article, we decide to click or not click “Like,” we decide to share with friends or not—all based on fast thinking.

      The human brain is really smart on how this goes by.

    9. It helps us slow down and clarify our ideas.

      When we're thinking, our brain works nonstop. As when you write it down, you are able to handle how the words will be. You can edit it and think about it all over and over.

    10. In all these settings, a professional style of Standard English will boost credibility.

      Proficiency in English may be important in some professional jobs. So it is truly important to practice!

    11. that writing skills will help us succeed in a career.

      Practicing good writing skills will benefit us in the future. Whether it's writing resumes, cover letter, or resignations letter. It could help us a lot in certain situations.

    12. It’s worth getting good at because we’re going to do it a lot.

      This is super important in college because it done almost in every class!

    13. process of writing, the process of developing my own arguments, would challenge me even more and become the core practice that stretched my thinking.

      It is a process, and and can be mastered overtime. It takes practice to be able to do it consistently!

    14. readings and discussions.

      I learned this since I got into college. Many classes have discussions, and readings. No matter which class it was.

    15. It implied that college was about training the mind, not just about specific areas of expertise.

      A lot of people believe in getting an education in college because it offers you "knowledge" beyond expected. Calling it "training" is a good example of what everyone pretty much calls it.

    16. “college teaches you to think.”

      I've so many adults tell me something like this.