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  1. Jan 2021
    1. Three special English companies were formed, including the Royal African Company, to operate in the sale of slaves.

      The Royal African company English companies started to become form The rise of capitalism

    2. France joined the traffic of slaves in 1624, Holland and Denmark soon followed.

      France, Holloand, and Denmark enslaved more people.

    3. Based on data concerning 86% of all slaving vessels leaving for the New World, historians estimate that the British, including British colonials, and the Portuguese account for seven out of ten transatlantic slaving voyages and carried nearly three quarters of all people embarking from Africa destined for slavery

      They enslaved millions of people for hundreds of years.

    1. ) It is important to recognize, however, that there did not exist a common shared “African” identity among African peoples during the early stages of the transatlantic slave trade along the coast of West Africa.

      Did not operting as one lead to the enslavement of their own people? If everyone on the continent viewed theirselves as many in body and one in mind would history have been written differently?

    2. Spanish elites born in Spain sat the top of this racial classificatory system while African slaves occupied the bottom

      This social construct creatives colorism. If the spanish elitite are at the top and the Africans are at the bottom. Creates the illusion that darker skinned people are inferior while lighter skinned people are superior.

    3. In the seventeenth century, Spanish colonizers created a sistema de castas, or caste system, that ranked the status, and power, of peoples based on their “purity of blood.

      The built the system of class that’s determined on blood line.

    4. Europeans thus created an emergent understanding of “race” and racial difference from their participation in the transatlantic slave trade and a system of racism codified in law and policy and driven by a desire for wealth and profit

      Rascim is birthed from slavery. Europeans claimed that since Africans had dark skin than it’s God ordained for them to be slaves,