- Jul 2020
link.springer.com link.springer.com
The Use of Medical Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging in the Study of Ceramic and Clay Archaeological Artifacts from the Ancient Near East
with non destructive methods such as Computed Tomography (CT) imaging it is possible to investigating and read hidden cuneiform texts without breaking the envelope, also Imaging the interior of cuneiform letters. This method is a sophisticated imaging technique.
cdli.ucla.edu cdli.ucla.edu
they assume a disproportionately large role in history, literature, and linguistics in the several sub-fields of cuneiform studies
A very special Cuneiform writing which is on stone and is called "royal inscription"! It is amazing.
cdli.ox.ac.uk cdli.ox.ac.uk
They hold the styli between the thumb and all other fingers extended, while the tablet lays flat on the left hand.
Holding the stylus.
Cuneiform Writing Techniques
Scribes used different materials and sizes of the stylus for different purposes. For example Reed, Bone and Metal stylus. https://www.academia.edu/12047738/The_Cuneiform_Stylus
omniglot.com omniglot.com
Sumerian cuneiform
How Sumerian write in Cuneiform!
cdli.ox.ac.uk cdli.ox.ac.uk
Very good source for the study of Cuneiform tablets.
prezi.com prezi.com
Clay Envelopes!!!!!!
very good!!! :))
www.nino-leiden.nl www.nino-leiden.nl
Seeing through clay: 4000 year old tablets in hypermodern CT scanner
Computed Tomography scan on a enveloped Cuneiform tablet http://www.nino-leiden.nl/message/prestigious-award-for-scanning-for-syria
www.uni-wuerzburg.de www.uni-wuerzburg.de
reconstruction of clay tablets
3D reconstruction of clay tablets!
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
portable X-ray fluorescence analyz-ers
Non-destructive and portable method.
Regional Differences in the Chemical Composition of Cuneiform Clay Tablets
Chemical composition of clay tablets.
www.cincinnatiartmuseum.org www.cincinnatiartmuseum.org
Cuneiform Tablet CT Scan
Imaging the interior of cuneiform letters by CT scanning.
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Portable X-ray fluorescence analysis
Non-destructive method!
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Non-destructive provenance study of cuneiform tablets
Using non-destructive technique for elemental analyzing of clay tablet.
sites.utexas.edu sites.utexas.edu
token system had little in common with spoken language
https://sites.utexas.edu/dsb/tokens-in-art/comic/ Very intersting comic of tokens :)
The tokens, used as counters to keep track of goods, were the earliest code—a system of signs for transmitting information
https://sites.utexas.edu/dsb/tokens-in-art/toth-mustto/ Tokens in Art
The evolution of writing from tokens to pictography, syllabary and alphabet illustrates the development of information processing to deal with larger amounts of data in ever greater abstraction.
This study can provide an important information about the characteristic of the writing system in cuneiform tablets
www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org
seal impressions show scenes in which worshippers approach a larger seated figure, probably a deity, holding a cup.
Description of the seal impression on the clay envelope.
merchants tracked loans
legal contract
cuneiform writing, clay tablets and envelopes, and cylinder seals.
Different type of tools for recording their information.
record of a lawsuit
A legal contract is a common subject for the enveloped clay tablets.
www.harvardartmuseums.org www.harvardartmuseums.org
Cuneiform Tablet and Envelope: Old Assyrian Letter
Very good example of enveloped Cuneiform tablets. it is very clear their structure.
www.universiteitleiden.nl www.universiteitleiden.nl
The study of cuneiform texts is still an open field
Importance of Mesopotamia study
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Raman identification of cuneiform tablet pigments: emphasis and colour technology in ancient Mesopotamian mid-third millennium
very good article about: what purpose colors were applied in the studied Sumerian cuneiform tablets and analysis the color on clay tablet by Raman.
- Jun 2020
www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org
involving the ownership of slave girls
Cuneiform tablet with a small second tablet: private letter
Very special case among the enveloped Cuneiform tablets
www.oxfordhandbooks.com www.oxfordhandbooks.com
The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture
Wonderful Handbook for study of Cuneiform Culture
The cuneiform script, the writing system of ancient Mesopotamia, was witness to one of the world's oldest literate cultures. For over three millennia, it was the vehicle of communication from (at its greatest extent) Iran to the Mediterranean, Anatolia to Egypt. The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture examines the Ancient Middle East through the lens of cuneiform writing. The contributors, a mix of scholars from across the disciplines, explore, define, and to some extent look beyond the boundaries of the written word, using Mesopotamia's clay tablets and stone inscriptions not just as ‘texts’ but also as material artifacts that offer much additional information about their creators, readers, users, and owners.
Abstract of the Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture is shown this hand book is very useful and important regarding the study of the Cuneiform Culture
www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org
quittance for a loan in silver
Subject of clay letter inside the envelope
www.khanacademy.org www.khanacademy.org
Letters enclosed in clay envelopes, as well as works of literature, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh have been found. Historical accounts have also come to light, as have huge libraries such as that belonging to the Assyrian king, Ashurbanipal (668-627 B.C.E.).
Enveloped Cuneiform tablets
Cuneiform: https://www.khanacademy.org/partner-content/british-museum/middle-east-bm/ancient-near-east-bm
www.nino-leiden.nl www.nino-leiden.nl
the scanner produced a perfectly readable image
www.academia.edu www.academia.edu
The invention of writing in Mesopotamia marks a watershed in the quantity and nature of information available for the investigation of its ancient cultures. The sheer volume of documentation and the vast scope for research on it traditionally have led Assyriologists to ignore the physical objects on which inscriptions are found. But clay tablets and other text vehicles are artefacts in their own right, susceptible to a range of analyses and capable of yielding a wide range of information about scribal practices and the ancient environment. This paper focuses on claims and evidence for the re-use, and particularly recycling, of tablets.
Thanks to Jonathan Taylor, It is a very good explanation of making the clay tablet
www.academia.edu www.academia.edu
Investigating technological and environmental evidence from plant remains and molluscs in cuneiform tablets
Very useful paper for analysis of the Cuneiform tablets
cdli.ucla.edu cdli.ucla.edu
Mespotamian Seals is offered to bring attention to the admittedly limited text annotation files of the CDLI as one of several avenues of research available in a sub-field more often pursued by archaeologists and art historians than by philologists (CDLI’s initial seals work is described here; cleansing of those file entries is being undertaken by Richard Firth). The CDLI catalogue currently [12/21/2019] contains entries documenting ca. 53,582 Mesopotamian entries related to seals and sealing: 39,622 represent clay tablets, tags or other sealings, most of whose seal impressions included owner legends, and currently just 7,854 are physical seals; 6,117 CDLI entries represent composites derived from seal impressions, and therefore the negatives of original cylinder seals now lost.
Mesopotamian Seals
Online resources for the study of Mesopotamian stamp and cylinder seals, often with incised legends naming the owner, his profession or educational standing, his patronymic and, looking up in the Mesopotamian hierarchy, his administrative affiliations, are difficult to come by, even though this unassuming administrative tool has played a very substantial role in the development of writing, and in the smooth functioning of an advanced ancient society.
Mesopotamian Seals
The image above depicts a typical cylinder seal of the Ur III period (ca. 2100-2000 BC). Its legend reads “Abbakalla, son of Ur-mes;” the inscription, however, was evidently cut into an imperfectly erased earlier legend, itself probably the more standardized formula “So-and-so, scribe (Sum. dub-sar), son of so-and-so.” The traces of ‛dumu ...’ are clearly visible in a third box below the end of our legend. Click on the image to be taken to CDLI’s entry for the stone artifact.