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  2. Jul 2024
  3. Jun 2024
    1. ‍No. Multitasking actually does more bad to productivity than good.

    1. This is really good but do not have time for it

    2. C is not about software development and careers. C is about freedom. It rose to fame on the back of technologies of collaboration and freedom - Unix, Linux, and The Libre Software Movement. It personifies the idea of personal liberty within computing. It wills you to take control of the technology affecting your life.

    1. The Internet is generally considered as a global technological system of networked computer networks, as the network of networks working with TCP/IP. Such definitions see the Internet as a purely technological system, they forget that knowledgeable human activities make the Internet work, the technological structure can't be separated from its human use and the permanent creation and communication of meaningful information through the Internet. The technical process of data transmission in the Internet known as routing is a mechanistic one. Self-organizing systems involve certain degrees of freedom, chance, irreducibility, unpredictability, and indeterminacy, hence when considering the Internet a purely technological system, it can't be characterized as self-organizing. Social self-organization is a self-referential, mutual process where structural media and human actions produce each other. The Internet is a global socio-technological system that is based on a technological structure consisting of networked computer networks that works with the help of the TCP/IP protocol and stores objectified human knowledge, human actors permanently re-create this global knowledge storage mechanism by producing new informational content, communicating in the system, and consuming existing informational content in the system; the technological infrastructure enables and constrains human communication. The Internet consists of both a technological infrastructure and communicating human actors. Together these two parts form a socio-technological system, the technological structure functions as a structural mass medium that produces and reproduces networked communicative actions and is itself produced and reproduced by communicative actions. The technical structure is medium and outcome of human agency, it enables and constrains human activity and thinking and is the result of productive social communication processes. Important qualities that are connected with the Internet as a sociotechnological system are Open Source, Virtual Reality, globalization, and many-to-many dialogue. Traditional mass media have been based on one-to-many-communication, whereas the Internet is based on many-to-many-communication. Hence the Internet has a large intrinsic democratic potential. In the terminology of Vilem Flusser it can be said that it could support a shift from discursive media society to dialogic media society.

    1. The study results suggest that multitasking computer self-efficacy attenuates the effect of information overload and reinforces the effect of communication overload on social media fatigue.

    1. Essential Oils as Natural Sources of Fragrance Compounds for Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals

    1. Debates concerning social learning in the behavioral and the developmental cognitive sciences have largely ignored the literature on social influence in the affective sciences despite having arguably the same object of study. We argue that this is a mistake and that no complete model of social learning can exclude an affective aspect. In addition, we argue that including affect can advance the somewhat stagnant debates concerning the unique characteristics of social learning in humans compared to other animals. We first review the two major bodies of literature in nonhuman animals and human development, highlighting the fact that the former has adopted a behavioral approach while the latter has adopted a cognitive approach, leading to irreconcilable differences. We then introduce a novel framework, affective social learning (ASL), that studies the way we learn about value(s). We show that all three approaches are complementary and focus, respectively, on behavior toward; cognitions concerning; and feelings about objects, events, and people in our environment. All three thus contribute to an affective, behavioral, and cognitive (ABC) story of knowledge transmission: the ABC of social learning. In particular, ASL can provide the backbone of an integrative approach to social learning. We argue that this novel perspective on social learning can allow both evolutionary continuity and ontogenetic development by lowering the cognitive thresholds that appear often too complex for other species and nonverbal infants. Yet, it can also explain some of the major achievements only found in human cultures. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

    1. Flexible control flow graph alignment for delivering data-driven feedback to novice programming learners

    1. If you have a task in mind, stop reading this article and go and take a blank sheet of paper and spend just one minute planning out how you intend to tackle the task, and then come back here and continue reading. If it’s an essay, write the first line; if it’s a report, start writing the contents page. For now it doesn’t matter what you write, and it doesn’t matter if it’s your final answer. Indeed you might well erase it later; all that matters is you write something; all that matters is that you start the task.

      FEATURED VIDEOS Congratulations, you have just activated the Zeigarnik Effect, which will cause you to feel the niggling urge to complete the task from now on, until you finish it. The Zeigarnik Effect was discovered by Bluma Zeigarnik in the 1920s when she found that people have a better memory for tasks that they have not yet completed. In her experiment she gave people puzzles to complete but interrupted them half way through completing some of the puzzles. Zeigarnik found that people were twice as good at remembering the tasks that were interrupted compared to the tasks that they were allowed to complete.

    2. Zeigarnik Effect

    1. What Do We Think We Think We Are Doing?: Metacognition and Self-Regulation in Programming

    1. Theories and Models of Affect in the Context of Programming Education

    1. البحث في الوجود يشبه البحث في العدم !

      كلاهما يفتقد التجريب ويعول كثيرًا على العقلانية البحتة والإثارة المفرطة !

      استمرار هذين المفهومين ( الوحود والعدم ) قيد التفلسف سيظل واحد من أكبر ألغاز الحياة بل لا أبالغ إذا قلت إلى أن يرث الله الأرض ومن عليها !

    1. well. You can discuss this with the programmer !

    2. Wow!

    3. this is local HTML. How will it annotate?


    1. ما شاء الله تبارك الله . مشكلة و انتهت ، فعليا يضع نوتات على نفس المصدر. ماذا لو جعلناها اجتماعية؟ هيا فكر و أبدع. ٥ يونيو ٢٠٢٤

    2. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
