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  1. Feb 2018
    1. My mood booster is definitely music. Depending how I feel on that specific day, the type of music I listen to can vary. Music is the one art that allows me to sing and dance, and music enhances my ability to be more creative.

      A quote that I may be able to use in order to show people who actually feel that music allows them to feel happier/more creative.

    1. I've seen programs such as The Rhythmic Arts Project teach children with Downs Syndrome their left hand from their right hand in a matter of weeks, while bolstering their self-confidence as the child takes his or her turn leading the group of other students in "conducting" a drum circle.

      Another first person retelling of the positives of Music Therapy.

    2. The American Music Therapy Association states, "clinical music therapy is the only professional, research-based discipline that actively applies supportive science to the creative, emotional, and energizing experiences of music for health treatment and educational goals."

      Definition of Music Therapy provided by quoting the people who actually seem to study and research the topic.

    3. My daughter Kelly, now nearly 24, is on the autism spectrum. As with most autistic children, development was seemingly normal until around age two or so, when she suddenly stopped speaking. Just stares and silence, other than standard toddler crying fits. It was early intervention, and specifically, music therapy, that gave her back her speech.

      This is a good story to prove that there is more to music therapy than just merely making someones mood change a bit, but that it can actually cause a dramatic change in someones demeanor/disposition or the way they interact with others.

    4. I can't imagine a life without music

      Can people go through music withdrawal?

    5. It provides an emotional outlet

      Good because people tend to use music to escape, so does that feeling of wanting to escape take them away from their studying or draw them closer to it?

    6. This is an interesting article to look at because of the fact that the person writing it starts out on the very personal side, but the slowly works their way into the actual study of things. I was hesitant about using the information at first because of the risk of bias, however I don't think there is as much as I originally thought.

    1. conceptual and methodological contributions to the study of music's emotional effect, the significance of music in modernity, the rhythmic and musical aspect of language, and the social uses of music.

      This is a good paper to use because I had read earlier that music had an effect on people's emotions and I was going to look into how that change in emotion would cause a change in the level of attention that people had when they were studying.

    1. there are a couple of points that are important to know:
      1. The effect is extremely short-lived with the enhancement in spatial reasoning only lasting for 10-15 minutes.
      2. The improvement is restricted to a quite abstract mental rotation task that is only a small part of the question when assessing intelligence.
      3. Other studies were not able to replicate this finding.

      This is interesting because this is the first time that someone has gone into the original study and analyzed it while comparing it to other studies, looking at the science of it, and the actual time frame that it works for.

      These ideas are from the British Journal of Development and were written by P Mckelvie and J Law in 2002.

    2. Participants underwent three learning sessions and were tested one week later. The results show that participants tend to perform better on the final test when they had listened to music while studying vocabulary. However, the author of that study acknowledges that not all participants seemed to have benefitted to the same extent from listening to background music during studying.

      Another study that was performed that starts to look at the difference in listening to music while studying and the difference from person to person.

      From the book Language Learning by AMB de Groot in 2006.

    3. One idea why listening to background music while studying or performing a task may be potentially beneficial has been put forward by Schellenberg and colleagues (3) in their arousal-emotion/mood-activation hypothesis.

      Music that puts you in a positive mood has a positive effect on your performance.

      From the book Psychology of Music by EG Schellenberg, T Nakata, PG Hunter, and S Tamoto in 2007.

    4. Your personality seems also to play a role on whether you will benefit at all from listening to your favourite tunes while studying.

      I have seen before that it depends from person to person, however, this is the first time that I am reading that personality may be the cause for that... look up more on the relationship between music and personalities.

    5. If you ask people in the general public about this effect, they will probably say something along the lines: Oh yes, listening to music by Mozart makes you smarter. However, this statement is not only completely false, but is also a misinterpretation of the Mozart Effect. The Mozart Effect is a brief enhancement of spatial-temporal abilities in college students after listening to a Mozart piano sonata.

      Summary of the Mozart effect misunderstanding followed by a description of what the effect really is. Compare with some of the other definitions found to come up with a good one.

    6. Does it make a difference at all what they are listening to while studying?

      This is an important question to consider as people tend to think it doesn't and make a choice on the benefits of music based on that.

    1. the effects of music on study habits are dependent on the student and their style of learning. If easily distracted, students should most likely avoid music so they can keep their focus on their work.

      Again this is mentioned, this is definitely something that should be involved when choosing to listen or not!!!

    2. 'Mozart effect', a term coined from a study that suggested listening to music could actually enhance intelligence

      Mentioned in another article, however, they said that the mozart effect is something completely different and was misunderstood to enhance intelligence.

    1. you get the most brain activity just after, or between, intense musical movements.

      This is very interesting, and something that I would like continue deeper in order to understand how it is that music really effects the brain. I wonder if it is this way for everyone or just a majority/minority of people.

    2. music 'lights up' areas of the brain involved with making predictions, paying attention and committing details to memory.

      This is good! This is some proof other than studies based on studying that show the effects that music has on the brain. The fact that is 'lights up' seems to be a positive.

    3. The term referred to Dr. Tomatis' finding that listening to Mozart could temporarily improve performance on certain spatial-temporal reasoning tasks, such as the Stanford-Binet IQ test.

      An explanation on why this idea of listening to music while studying is called the 'mozart effect'. Good for using when explaining the idea of it. Commonly misunderstood, as people believed listening to Mozart mad one smarter.

    1. Students should try the combination of studying and music to see if it works for them.

      Try things out for ones self to see if it works because everyone is different and that includes studying.

    2. can quickly turn the combination of music and studying into an unproductive idea.

      This is something very important to consider. It has been something mentioned regularly. I should look at some more specific types of music that can help and hinder, that isn't just classical and screamo.

    3. keeps a student awake.

      This is interesting, I hadn't thought about the fact that people could be using music to fall asleep. It may good to research the effects of music on someones sleep and see if this is fact.

    4. Ultimately, every student should figure out his or her own answer to the question

      I have seen quite a bit that it depends on the people especially since each person has a different learning type, and while music might help some, it may only hinder others.

    1. music is very likely better than Facebook and Twitter, and in a world where multitasking has become extremely common because everything is on one device, some students find music helps keep them focused while studying.

      It is a good thing that it allows people who would usually be distracted to concentrate because without that people may struggle. I also think that it is important to see that having media distracts while the music can help concentrate.

    2. Music has a profound impact on our state of being, altering everything from mood to heart rate.

      I didn't know that music had such a strong affect on people, so strong in fact that it can change their heart rate. I wonder if that is because of the way it can change your mood, or that the sound waves do something...

    1. Music’s effects on study habits will vary from person to person, and can also be affected by what you’re listening to — the genre of the music, how loud it is, etc.

      This seems to be a very important idea because a lot of people study differently and it is good to keep that in mind when studying something that can vary so differently from person to person.

    2. Because music can impact and regulate your mood and the best mood to study in is a more relaxed mood, choosing music that helps you relax but also with enough beat or rhythm to ensure you don’t zone out while studying is crucial. But music that’s too loud or with too much of an upbeat tempo can also be distracting, so having a playlist or specific artist you turn to for studying music can really help.

      The fact that they give guidelines for the type of music that should be used or not is helpful. These requirements are quite easy to reach and with the broad choices in music, people have a better chance of having music that fits their taste while also keeping them focused.

    3. “Music with lyrics is very likely to have a problematic effect when you’re writing or reading. Probably less of an effect on math, if you’re not using the language parts of your brain,” Nass said. “In my day, there was no way you could take music to the library. When [today's students] go to the library to study, they bring their noise, and music, with them.”

      Said by Stanford Professor Clifford Nass, in http://college.usatoday.com/2012/09/10/should-you-listen-to-music-while-you-study/. He brings up some good points as people could accidentally take what they are hearing and connect it to the words they are writing/reading. Look at difference between concentration for math and english.

    4. “Can preference for background music mediate the irrelevant sound effect,” explored how music can interfere with short-term memory potential.

      Dr. Nick Preham's study in 2010, follows the idea the music can interfere with short term memory. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/acp.1731/abstract is his full paper.

    5. music may diminish your cognitive abilities in these situations because when you’re trying to memorize things in order, you can get thrown off and confused by the various words and notes in the song playing in the background

      Interesting because on the flip side it may help people to focus if there is something canceling out the noise of the outside world. I should look up the difference between distraction from music and from noises of the world.