- May 2024
suu.instructure.com suu.instructure.com
Most of these procedural, substantive, and implementation issues concerning IEPs are, at least at my school, the responsibility of the Special Education file holder. Our current admin do not know enough about the IEP process to make a difference in any of these areas. We had a previous admin that was a former SpEd teacher, and he really supported us through at least the first two, not so much implementation. Do admins have the training to know their roles in the IEP process if they haven't taught Special Education? Curious as to how this works in other districts?
Schools and districts must adhere to these requirements to help ensure the implementation of technically sound and educationally meaningful IEPs and to provide FAPE.
Failure to assemble an appropriate IEP team:
- This means this is not the sole responsibility of the Special Education file holder. Admin is responsible to ensure this happens, and districts are responsible to train admin and teachers to ensure this happens. Even teachers that have been teaching for a long time and are set in their ways and refuse to change their way of writing IEPs, sadly enough.
- Our admin does this well, when a teacher does not show up or forgets to come to the meeting, the admin will text or call them and get them there. One thing they struggle with is letting the team members leave early though. It seems like everyone has more important things to do that attend IEP meetings, even though it is a part of their contract. Gen Ed teachers and admin alike do not understand the importance of attendance for the entire meeting.