23 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2018
    1. I quickly discovered, of course, that there aren't really any 1:1 replacements

      And I increasingly suspect that there shouldn't be - features influence culture, so a 1:1 replacement will most likely develop the exact same culture you're trying to escape

    2. May. 18th, 2018 02:01 am

      the date really was a complete coincidence

    3. Musings on the Internet and Social Media

      I never really muse on the internet in this, do I?

    4. And then Cambridge Analytica happened

      And everything that happened after Cambridge Analytica happened too

    5. does not currently allow you to download data

      In fact, tumblr's GDPR required features all turned out to be location locked by them. So as an american I would not be able to: see who they're selling my data to, ask them to stop doing that, or (presumably, i havent seen any proof it exists at all) export my data

    6. can be forked by anyone

      I'm actually working on a project that's trying to fork mastodon to a community governed code model. It's going slowly

    7. not profit driven

      Currently G is very incentivized to make mastodon 'successful' (aka, has shit tons of users/actually competes with twitter) though, which has resulted him attempting to implement in a few features that the current user base found upsetting. Who's right? I can't really say

    8. code was written by volunteers

      G is currently making $5000/mo through patreon and an undesclosed amount through one time donations

    9. paid for by premium accounts instead of selling data

      I've purchased the cheapest tier of premium account, which allows for up to five email addresses. I've used three

    10. (is there no drafts feature on dreamwidth? why don't we have a drafts feature)

      So you can save at least one draft by callously closing the text editor page, which dreamwidth will then helpfully ask if you want to restore next time you go to make a post, but as far as I can tell there's no 'drafts feature' as in the ability to save multiple in-progress posts within the dreamwidth interface

    11. dwmeta, future reference, social media

      is there a feature hidden somewhere that lets you see all the posts on dreamwidth that use a particular tag? if so, i haven't found it, which definitely makes content discovery difficult

    12. There are definitely benefits to both kinds of platforms, but I wish we had a more even spread instead of just LJ, Dreamwidth, & Medium vs Twitter & its million clonesMaybe if we're lucky the movement away from the current mainstream platforms will shake things up a bit but who knows

      write.as is a blogging service that's currently adding (optional) federation support. This could make an interesting compromise as its designed to handle longform content but is primarily federating with shortform/microblogging style platforms (mastodon and pleroma are both primarily shortform - aka character limits, no formatting besides returns - though i understand the character limit on the latter is quite high, pixelfed is image or video + a short caption, peertube is video and title metadata only)

      We'll see how that works out, I suppose

    13. a photo archive: need to look into this, should allow high res uploads, tagging, & ideally support subscriptions via RSS or Atoma professional website: to replace 2nd instagram accountfandom: here+ao3 might turn out to be my best bet for this? haven't really looked into communities much yet

      still havent made accounts for any of these, fandom has resolved itself without intervention, but the other two are still problems

    14. paid for by premium accounts instead of ads/selling data

      I want to get a premium account but I haven't yet - need to rework my internet budget first

    15. Mastodon (you can follow me as Satsuma@Wandering.Shop)

      Still here! The cultures currently in flux because of all the new people joining after twitter forced them off the platform, so it's a bit weird right now

    16. I can pretty safely switch all my accounts from gmail to proton mail, I've already switched my fandom account over so it's just personal and spam that are left (may leave that last one as gmail actually)

      I now have three proton mail email addresses that I get notifications for in addition to two gmail addresses I still check, so in terms of account management I arguably made this situation worse not better.

    17. Twitter (anonymous)

      I deleted the twitter app but never deactivated the account. A curious side effect of deleting the app was the discovery that you cant view twitter in the web view if you have literally any amount of ad blocking or anti tracking measures enabled. This hasn't particularly bothered me, but it might bother you

    18. Instagram (business)

      Still have it, haven't really worked out any alternatives. Also almost everyone who does freelance & has their own website still has a facebook and instagram account linked to it, so

    19. Instagram (personal)

      I'm still on instagram, but I use it less now

    20. blogs can be subscribed to through RSS, which will help make the transition off the site easier

      I was referencing dreamwidth's syndication feature, which allows you to add anything with an RSS or Atom feed to your reading page. This turned out not to really work - reblogs mean that 95 percent of tumblrs are just way too high volume to work, though certain techniques can mitigate this (a feed for a specific tag on a tumblr blog can be uncovered by adding /rss to the end of the tag URL though automatic feed discovery redirects back to the home feed for some reason)

    21. Tumblr (personal)

      I never made a formal announcement, but I haven't been on tumblr for months, so I'd say I've pretty effectively left

    22. promptly realized how nice it was to be on a site that the devs weren't constantly making inhospitable in the name of profits

      I stand by this comment in a general sense, though this situation with mastodon predictably turned out to be more complex than it immediately appeared

    23. W

      Ah yes, I just love starting posts off with a flagrant typo