3 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2015
    1. Dr. Mengele, the notorious Dr. Mengele
    2. We stood stunned, petrified.Could this be just a nightmare? An unimaginable nightmare?

      A) The motif for this quote could be fear. B) The theme for this quote could be fear can blur the lines of reality and fiction. C) The stylistic devise used in this quote is rhetorical question. D) By using a rhetorical question it allows a reader to see he is questioning himself. He is so scared that he believes for a second he is in a dream. He then questions himself wondering if it is just a horrible dream. This shows how sometimes in situations of terror we can feel as though it is not even reality.

    3. The baton, once more, moved to the left. A weight lifted frommy heart.

      A) The motif in this quote could be father/son relationship. B) A theme for this quote could be even in the most extreme situations love for you family still prevails. C) This stylistic device that is found in this quote is an idiom. D) When he says that a weight is lifted from his heart it shows that his heart was heavy from the thought of being split from his father. When his father is put into the same group as him and the weight seems to be lifted it shows that even in the situation they are in his father is the only thing that matters to him. Thus, connecting to the theme of love for your family prevailing through horrific times.