- Jun 2017
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Less Tweeting, Lawyers Beg
This bold assertion is nowhere supported by actual quotes from actual people. Instead, we are supposed to trust in the omnscience of Baker and Thrush. But if they're so able to reach conclusions without worrying about attribution, why aren't they brave enough to state some of the other obvious things about Trump and his tweets: How most of them are lies; how they are deranged; how he is unhinged in his focus on having won the election. Or, generally, how nothing he says can be trusted
hopes that Mr. Trump had turned a page
Whose hopes?
demonstrated that he can tame his Twitter impulses
Or did he simply not have signal? I am only half-joking
Mr. Trump’s aides, especially his White House counsel, Donald F. McGahn II, have long implored the president to cut down on his tweeting, especially about the Russia investigations.
Stated as fact.
Which lawyers? Presumably "some" of the "every lawyer[s] consulte by White House aides in recent days." Or maybe not.
some lawyers sai
"some lawyers said"???
Every lawyer consulted by White House aides in recent days has made the same point about the president’s tweets: He can power through the investigations, but he is his own worst enemy if he continues to vent online.
Note the complete lack of attribution. We are instead supposed to credit Bake and Thrush with omniscience.