76 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. interactive map

      new interactive map

    2. The reason is that 2023 was such an extreme. This combination of changes better represents the larger range of temperatures now observed while maintaining as similar as possible look to the previous versions.

      better color resolution for larger temperature ranges

    3. For the 2023 update to the graphics, we have done more than just add another stripe. There have been some subtle changes to the design of the graphics.New colours have been added - a darker blue and a darker red have been added at each end of the colour scale.The reference period used to define where blues change to reds has been changed - it is now 1961-2010 rather than 1971-2000.The scales have been changed - for the global mean, the colours represent -0.9 to +0.9°C, and for the various regions & cities, we use -3 to +3σ (standard deviations) of the variations from 1901-2000.

      changes for 2023

  2. Feb 2024
    1. The top five storms on this list would be rated Category 6, according to the new paper.

      cat 6 >192 mph wind speed

    2. Global Category 5 storms, 1982-2023

      increasing cat 5 storms!!!!

  3. Jul 2023
    1. Carbon dioxide is by far the largest contributor to total forcing from these gases and methane is the second largest

      two major GHG's, others low concentration

  4. Jun 2023
    1. In the uranium 238 lineage, the radioactive equilibrium takes about 2 million years

      takes about 2 million years for the chain to reach secular equilibrium

      secular equilibrium is a situation in which the quantity of a radioactive isotope remains constant because its production rate (e.g., due to decay of a log-lived parent isotope) is equal to its decay rate

    2. For a U-238 tonne, one finds 54 grams of U-234, 16g of thorium 230 and 0.34g of radium.

      mass of U-234 and Th-230 produced per tonne of U-238 decaying

  5. May 2023
  6. Aug 2022
    1. The annual mean rate of growth of CO2 in a given year is the difference in concentration between the end of December and the start of January of that year

      annual mean by DIFFERENCE

      end December - start January of the same year

      A TWO data point calculation!!!

  7. Jul 2022
    1. big, complex, unstructured: messy.

      meaning what?

    2. wrangling messy data fluently to form compelling stories, powerful solutions, and innovative ideas

      Why is messy data? NEVER defined here!

  8. Jun 2022
    1. the microwave sensor is prone to underestimating the actual ice concentration and area when the surface is melting

      underestimates if melting is occurring!!

    2. Area takes the percentages of sea ice within data cells and adds them up to report how much of the Arctic is covered by ice; area typically uses a threshold of 15%.

      overestimates the area

  9. May 2022
    1. There is not that much of it. All of the used fuel ever produced by the commercial nuclear industry since the late 1950s would cover a whole football field to a height of approximately 10 yards. 

      bare metal spent fuel rods right next to each other!!! No way!

  10. Apr 2022
    1. providing information, sharing commentary, sparking conversation, expressing power, and aiding learning

      posing questions? ...and others answering!

    2. soliciting volunteers and filling the white board with their responses.

      Why not online collaborative annotations in Hypothesis?

  11. Jan 2022
    1. the construction of a septic lagoon

      collecting outflow of septic tank that usually goes to drain field!

    2. Reynolds iterated that the lagoon — while not swimmable or fishable

      will need to be fenced in?

      how fast will sedimentation fill pond in?

      where does overflow go?

    3. With a filter chamber capturing solid waste at each site, Colburn added that the remaining water would be “graywater,” and that the liquid refuse would run to the lagoon via gravitation and evaporate with little-to-no odor issues through wind and sunlight.

      two-chamber septic tank is not a filtering device, but is a settliing tank for solids to two stages

      greywater DOES NOT come in contact with sewage!

      This lagoon would be collecting sewage effluent!!!! odorless? cesspool?

    1. messy data to represent a particular type of authentic data (Kjelvik & Schultheis, 2019). A key element in messy data sets is variability. The source of this variability comes from both natural variation and systematic or precision error (Gould et al., 2014). These data sets may have missing values (due to events that took place during a study), contain outliers, reveal unexpected trends, or be lacking in significant results. The interpretation of messy data may or may not support original hypotheses and predictions, but has the potential to inspire additional scientific questions beyond those initially conceived when the study began.


    2. Authentic, “messy data” contain variability that comes from many sources, such as natural variation in nature, chance occurrences during research, and human error.

      a definition!!!!!

    1. students typically fail to recognize that variability is a common feature of data (Lawson, 1995) and interpret small amounts of variation between treatments as meaningful, without consideration to whether the variation is from experimental error or represents a true difference

      when are a group of repeated measurements constant? do they need to be exact?

    2. Messy data sets contain variability, which reflects both natural variation as well as variation from systematic error and precision of data-collection methods

      You just rediscovered ERROR ANALYSIS! Wow!

    3. The messiness of data sets is deter-mined by the presence of variability, outliers, missing values, and unexpected trends.

      variability - can be large (large scatter!!! happens in nature)

      outliers - need a good test to remove!!!

      missing data - so what?

      unexpected trends - your hypothesis is wrong and maybe you made a GREAT discovery!!!!

    4. Firsthand data allow students to have direct experiences with data collection, leading to a better understanding of sources of variability, while secondhand data introduce increased complexity and more sources of variability beyond what can be collected in a classroom setting

      experimental collection is great, but not always feasible!

  12. Nov 2021
    1. Sea level, measured relative to the ODS, was noted every 15 minutes and was recorded in red notebooks

      ODS old dock sill (see chart)

  13. Aug 2021
    1. The parachutist opens the parachute as soon as he jumps out of the plane

      parachute OPENS immediately on jumping out of plane

  14. Jul 2021
    1. Lineweaver and Burk adequately proposed touse the fourth power of the rate (v4) as weight variableduring the regression analysis

      weighted linear to handle error!


    2. Note:The intergroups means ± SDs for the kinetic parameters are:Km=2.8 ± 0.3,Vmax=179.4 ± 27

      the correct values from mean of 8 groups

    3. Using the same data but introducing a weight variable(wi=vi4), weighted linear regression (dashed lines) yields accurateparameters:Km=3 mM andVmax=180.3 mM/min.

      much better fit - notice the lowest concentration data point is the outlier that influenced the original fit!!!!

    4. It should be pointed that Lineweaverand Burk were well aware of the need for weights. Actu-ally, what they did was to fit the data to the double-reciprocal form with eachvvalue given a weight equal tov4.Thus, Lineweaver and Burk should not be blamed forthe extensive misuse of their method by later workers.

      weighted linear regression

      weight = v^4


    1. Bone contamination occurs because both the protein(predominately collagen) and the mineral phase (carbonate hydroxyapatite or bioapatite) arechemically reactive with enclosing or overlying soils and sediments, and rain and groundwaters.

      problems with bone

    2. Fossil bone has been historically regarded as one of the most difficult and unreliable materials for14C dating due to contamination, degradation and carbon-exchange issues

      contamination of bone

    3. Ho T-Y, Marcus LF, Berger R. 1969Radiocarbon dating of petroleum-impregnatedbone from tar pits at Rancho La Brea, California.Science164, 1051–1052. (doi:10.1126/science.164.3883.1051

      dead carbon contamination of bone from petroleum!!!!


  15. Jun 2021
  16. sites.google.com sites.google.com
    1. [A]0/2.


    2. ln[A]0[A]=kt

      What is A? Not defined and does not need [ ] around it.

      Concentration should be re-framed from use with nuclear decay!

    3. The half-life of a first-order reaction is independent of the concentration of the reactants

      both half-life and number of nuclides, N are independent variables

      use of concentration is not typical with nuclear reactions!

    4. Radiocarbon Dating. A plot of the specific activity of 14C versus age for a number of archaeological samples shows an inverse linear relationship between 14C content (a log scale) and age (a linear scale).


    5. The half-lives of radioactive isotopes can be used to date objects.

      This is incorrect. The N/No ratio is used to determine the age of materials. The half-life influence the range of ages that can be determined.

  17. Jan 2021
    1. This feature is only available if you have an Office 365 subscription.

      must have Office 365 - the web-based version of Excel!!!

  18. Oct 2020
    1. glass-box approach

      can see how model works - easy to accomplish with spreadsheets!

    2. black-box approach

      model hidden

    3. Simulations can be classified by the level of interactivity with and visibility of the model, the types of variables incorporated, and the type of visualization.

      simulation defined


  19. Sep 2020
    1. The equilibrium temperature,Tp(K), of anexoplanet can be computed using the Stefan–Boltzmann law,Tp4=(1−a)4(rd)2Teff4,(2.4)whereTeff(K) is the effective temperature of the star,a(unitless) is the bond albedo of theexoplanet,r(m) is the radius of the star andd(m) is the semi-major axis of the exoplanet. Owing tothe unavailability of the albedo of the exoplanets, the equilibrium temperatureTp(K) is calculatedby assuming zero albedo (a=0)

      how to calculate equilibrium temperature of exoplanet

  20. Aug 2020
    1. improvement in critical thinking related to the assessment questions,

      measured how?

    2. One other concern may be whether this method could be used across grade levels

      yes and we see it is not as successful!!!!

    3. An issue with collaborative testing is coasting—that students will rely on the smartest in the group.

      these are AP students!

      what about non-AP or general students?


    1. Experimental laboratory studies have indicated that painting one of the rotor blades black may help to decrease motion smear

      why it works - gives birds a chance of seeing rotating blades

    2. Hodos, W. (2003). Minimization of motion smear: Reducing avian collisions with wind turbines.

      great report available on web

      does other colors and a range of patterns

    3. However, when implemented before con-struction, the cost would be minimized.

      cheaper to paint at time of construction!!!

    4. The painting experiment had most effect for raptors. This may well be explained by the higher visual acuity of (especially larger) raptors enabling sharp sight at larger distances

      sharp sighted birds

    5. Painting the rotor blades was demanding given that they had to be painted while in-place. This meant using a lift which was attached to the hub and paint downwards therefrom

      new jobs!!!!!!!

    6. Applying contrast painting to the rotor blades resulted in signifi-cantly reduced the annual fatality rate (>70%) for a range of birds at the Smøla wind-power plant.

      large reduction in casualties!

    7. but especially green blades had slight—but nonsignificant—visibility advantages over black

      Is green a better color?

    8. Willow ptarmiganLagopus lagopus851512

      an unlucky bird!


    1. The grid paper could also be put inside a box with sides (~5–6”square), so that the block would bounce off the sides and be sure to land on the grid each time, even when dropped from a higher distance

      help with block dropping

    2. Each group uploads their %T vs. throw number data into a shared spreadsheet document (Google Sheets was used here) to create a pooled class data set

      pooling groups in GSheets

    3. The block is repeatedly dropped onto the grid, and the grid is shaded in anywhere the block touches

      how data is generated


  21. Jul 2020
    1. help you understand the article
      1. define a term used by author
      2. point out if author is unclear or in error (see if others agree or disagree?)
    1. Hexagonal diamond, also known as lonsdaleite (Fig. 1c), has been found in carbonrich meteorites, notably the Canyon Diablo iron meteorite [12], and is expected to have been formed in the highpressure, hightemperature shock conditions of an impact, as inferred from laboratory measurements [13].

      lonsdaleite - impact diamond

    2. For example, natural diamond is formed from carbonbearing minerals buried in the Earth’s upper mantle at pressures between 4.5 and 6 GPa (~135–185 km depth) and at temperatures between 900–1300°C [10].

      conditions for diamond formation

  22. Jun 2020
    1. Two extremecases for the electronic structure can be imagined, namelycumulene with double bonds throughout the chain(=C=C=C=C=) and polyyne with alternating single and triplebonds (-C≡C-C≡C-). Cumulene has a uniform distribution ofthe π-electrons along the chain, leading to metallic conductivity.In polyyne, however, the π-electrons are localized at the shorterbonds so that the continuous distribution is interrupted at eachsingle bond

      two types of chains with sp hybridization (LINEAR)

    2. Thecalculated length of the double bond in cumulene is 1.282 Å;the single and triple bond lengths in polyyne are 1.265 Å and1.301 Å, respectively

      bond lengths

  23. May 2020
    1. The majority of students agreed that their instructors typically use tech to engage them in the learning process (66%), use technology to enhance learning with additional materials (67%), and encourage the use of online tools to communicate/collaborate with the instructor or students in or outside class (62%); these responses were consistent across institution type and size.

      Students want more online collaboration!

  24. Apr 2020
    1. Annotators Scott_S

      Videos in higher education: Making the most of a good thing is the title of the article for untitled document (March 2020).

  25. Mar 2020
    1. GPS in your car,

      wait until your GPS craps-out! Can you read a map????

    2. "Is Google Making Us Stupid."

      we don't ponder the question

    3. they would start Googling the question

      students first step!

    1. explicitly directing the learner’s attention towards a particular element of on-screen detail, often termed the signalling or cueing effect

      point things out on the video!!!

    2. lecture capture



  26. Sep 2018