4 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2017
    1. Pride of character, laudable ambition, & moral dispositions are innate correctives of the indiscretions of that lively age; and when strengthened by habitual appeal & exercise, have a happier effect on future character, than the degrading motive of fear; hardening them to disgrace, to corporal punishments, and servile humiliations, cannot be the best process for producing erect character.

      The progressive thinking of UVA is shown here, where the basic principles of the institution seem to germinate. At the time, students were described to have certain “indiscretions” that were natural for their age. However, instead of using fear or force as a corrective measure, the university government was founded on the praise of morals and ambition, which through repetition, would help develop and mature a student’s future character. This contrasts with the use of fear which was properly deemed “degrading.”

    2. The advantages of this plan are, greater security against fire & infection; tranquillity & comfort to the Professors, and their families thus insulated; retirement to the Students, and the admission of enlargement to any degree to which the institution may extend in future times.

      In my Engagements class, we toured the Lawn with the Professor of Architectural History, Louis Nelson, who is working on a project to understand the use of slavery at UVA. As we walked through the lawn gardens, he explained the extensive use of “white space” in the history of the university, which separated the students and faculty from the slaves with the layout of the pavilions. This method kept the slaves on the outside of the U-shaped lawn, behind tall garden walls, and the students on the inside, so as to maintain complete separation of the black and white populations. It is interesting that these motives are not explicitly mentioned when describing the layout of the academic village. Perhaps this is included under the advantages of “tranquility and comfort” or “morals and uninterrupted study.”

  2. Oct 2017
    1. We have proposed no formal provision for the gymnastics of the school, altho a proper object of attention for every institution of youth. These exercises with antient nations, constituted the principal part of the education of their youth. Their arms and mode of warfare rendered them severe in the extreme. Ours on the same correct principle, should be adapted to our arms & warfare; and the manual exercise, military maneuvres, and tactics generally, should be the frequent exercises of the students, in their hours of recreation. It is at that age of aptness, docility & emulation of the practices of manhood, that such things are soonest learnt, and longest remembered.

      The view towards physical education is interesting, especially due to the typical age of students at the time. Students who attended universities such as Harvard and UPenn in the early 1800’s typically entered when they were 12-14 years old. In modern schools, physical education is often required at these ages, and usually involves instruction pertaining to health and exercise. This contrasts with UVA’s Spartan-like training of youth to prepare them for combat through “military maneuvers and tactics,” which were encouraged during their free time. By teaching them at a young age, the focus seems to be on preparing students for “manhood” and cementing the lessons they learn for their whole life.



    2. Vegetable pharmacy will make a part of the botanical course, & mineral & chemical pharmacy, of those of mineralogy & chemistry. This degree of medical information is such as the mass of scientific students would wish to possess, as enabling them, in their course thro life, to estimate with satisfaction the extent & limits of the aid to human life & health

      It seems as though the general study of pharmacy was included in fields beyond medicine at UVA. At the time, the university aimed to educate its students in order to prepare them for life, which is suggested in the next sentence. Here, it is explained that this degree of medicine is necessary for science based students who wish to “aid human life and health.” This shows a more practical view towards pharmacy, likely focusing on uses of common, organic substances for treatment of ailments, which contrasts to modern, mass produced medicine. It is interesting that the curriculum would include naturopathy and “vegetable pharmacy” in their botany classes, in addition to mineral-based pharmacy in chemistry courses, as these concepts would not be explicitly included in a modern medical school syllabus.