9 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
  2. pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca
    1. “Well, you know whut dey say ’uh white man and uh nigger woman is de freest thing on earth.’ Dey do as dey please.”

      Don't have to use hard r here, could have said something more modern and polite.

    2. Mr. Prescott?

      Dak Prescott?

    3. “Tea Cake, put down dat gun and go back tuh bed!” Janie yelled at him as the gun wavered weakly in his hand.

      Tea Cake being nonchalant rn.

    4. he’s liable to bite somebody else, specially you

      HE'S A FREAK!

    5. What de hell’s de matter with you?

      That's not very nice.

  3. Nov 2024