- May 2017
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Never park or leave your vehicle:•Where a “No Parking” sign is posted.•On a marked or unmarked crosswalk, sidewalk, partially blocking a sidewalk, or in front of a driveway.•Within 3 feet of a sidewalk ramp for disabled persons or in front of or on a curb that provides wheelchair access to a sidewalk.•In a disabled person parking space, unless you are disabled and display a placard or disabled license plates.•In the space next to a disabled person parking space, if it is painted in a cross-hatched (diagonal) pattern
These are the things you should not attempt when parking your car.
Never leave your vehicle while the engine is still running; stop the engine and set the parking brake.
You should never leave your vehicle when the engine is still running.
Look in both directions and listen for trains.
You should always look both directions and listen for trains in case if it's coming.
The speed limit in any alley is 15 mph.
The speed limit for any alley is 15 mph.
Always drive slowly and carefully near schools, playgrounds, parks, and residential areas be-cause children may suddenly run into the street.
Always slow down, when driving past schools, playgrounds, and parks because children may suddenly run out into the street.
. Also, if the school grounds have no fence and children are outside, never drive faster than 25 mph. Some school zones may have speed limits as low as 15 mph.
If the school has no fence and it has kids outside, never drive faster than 25mph because some some school zones may have a speed limit as low as 15 mph.
It is against the law for a minor to use a cell phone while driving. If your cell phone rings, do not answer the call or respond to the text message.
Using your cellphone while driving is against the law. You should respond to your call or message later.
If you are out of state on active military duty and have a valid California DL, you and your spouse’s California DL will be valid for the full time you are absent from Cali-fornia
If you are out of state in the military, and you have a valid DL, your DL will be valid full time.
It is illegal to drive, stop, park, or leave a vehicle standing in the area of a road designated for the exclusive use of public transit buses unless a ve-hicle must cross the lane to make a turn.
It is illegal to leave your car in the area of a road designated for the exclusive use of transit buses.
It is illegal to drive while holding and using an electronic wireless com-munications device,
Using electronics especially phones are illegal while you're driving.
If you do not install and use a shoulder harness with the seat (lap) belt, serious or fatal injuries may happen in some collisions
If you don't use a shoulder harness with the seat belt, then there will be a serious injury.
At an intersection where traffic is not controlled by traffic signal lights, drivers are required to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians within any crosswalk, marked or unmarked
At an intersection where traffic is not controlled by the signaled lights, drivers needs to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians that is at the crosswalk marked or unmarked.
When you move, you must give DMV your new address within 10 days. There is no fee to change your address.
When you move or change address, you have to give DMV your new address in 10 days.
. If any testing aid is used during the knowledge test, the knowledge test will be marked as a “failure.”
If you cheat on the tests, the knowledge test will be marked as a failure.
The person must sit close enough to you to take control of the vehicle at any time.
There should always be an adult with you when you are practice driving.
Your permit is not valid until you begin driver training
You have to begin driving to make your permit valid.
If you use a rental vehicle, the driving test applicant must be listed on the rental contract. The contract must not exclude driving tests.
The appliant must be on the rental contract if you are using a rental car.
Be at least 18 years old
You need to be 18 to be licensed.
- Apr 2017
calwaternews.blogspot.com calwaternews.blogspot.com
The central idea is that we are trying to improve the benefits of the water system in lakes and rivers. We are making future plans to improve the water system. We are recreating the a river that will be a good for endangered species and salmon, and other types of species/fish that live in lakes and rivers.
"For years, most of the people that planted native plants ... wanted to create a habitat in their yard and bring in wildlife.
This is an opinion because some people might disagree on this.
The 1-acre garden includes 200 drought-friendly plants and irrigation systems that can cut water use by 50 percent.
This is a fact because it shows you the number of drought-friendly plants and the percentage of water used.
Weddle said Leland Gully is 1,700 feet long and averages 10 feet in depth and 35 feet in width.
This is a fact because Weddle showed us the measurement of the Leland Gully.
"Now that people are becoming fearful of resources and the availability of money to pay for those resources, it has made it easier for them to decide this is the time. People are taking it much more seriously," she said. #
This is an opinion because people can disagree on this.
There is even a plan to recycle water by taking it back out of the California aqueduct south of Fresno after it flows down the river, through the Delta and becomes part of the state's water system.
This is a fact because it tells you that there is a plan to recycle the water.
"Some of the initial flows will answer that question,"
This is an opinion because he didn't clearly about the situation or because he didn't put that details about the situation.
chinook salmon
Friant Dam
Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
San Joaquin River
And it’s coming at a time when water shortages already are killing the Valley’s west-side, farm-based economy.
We need to do something about this.
Think this idea is far-fetched
What does it mean by far-fetched?
In a nutshell, Stearns says, people across the country take cheap food for granted.
Is this suppose to be a good thing or a bad thing?
stimulus- an interesting and exciting quality.
Entrepreneurship- a large single upright block of stone, especially one shaped into or serving as a pillar or monument.
monolith- a large single upright block of stone, especially one shaped into or serving as a pillar or monument.
Joaquin salmon kill when fall temperatures soar above 100 degrees.
Why does this happen?
- Nov 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
“I think there’s a lot of consequences that come along with this. There’s a lot of people that don’t want to have this conversation; they’re scared they might lose their job or they might not get the endorsements, they might not be treated the same way,” he said. “And those are things I’m prepared to handle and those are things that, you know, other people might not be ready for.It’s just a matter of where you’re at in your life, where
People doesn't want to have this conversation because they don't want to lose there job.
Gabby Douglas i
Hardy Williams
Jackie Robinson
Muhammad Ali w
ommie Smith a
Dick Flacks,
Thursday, Kaepernick took part in a final preseason game against the Chargers in San Diego —billed as the annual Salute to the Military night. Kaepernick kneeled when the
Kaepernick is doing the wrong thing because he suppose to stand up and do the salute.
Peter Dreier
New Orleans Saints
- This is an image of Jackie Robinson
- a retired sociology professor
- here are some information about Gabby Douglas
- here are some info about Tommy Smith
- here are some information about Hardy Williams
- this a picture of the saints
- This is Peter Dreir
- This is Dick Flacks
- here is an image of Mohammad Ali
- Oct 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
Jeremy Lane
Blue Lives Matte
Donald Trump h
Drew Brees
Black Lives Matter
Is an international activist movement, originating African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism toward black people.
lin Kaepernick rem