53 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. While hormoneadministration studies are informative, the conclusionsshould be interpreted with caution because the manipu-lation of a single hormone may not be ecologicallyvalid, particularly across highly interactive regulatorysystems which may counter-regulate one another

      THIS carefull balance

    2. GABA

      Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) - inhibitory neurotransmitter Know to produce a calming effect,

    3. CRH

      Corticotropin releasing hormone


  2. Mar 2023
    1. We can’t be the Buccaneers because pirates supportedviolence and discrimination against women” (49). Here, violence anddiscrimination are a joke, and located in the past.

      I would argue that the joke that she makes is not at the fact that she is minimizing discrimination against women but rather the irony behind they school's perforative activism while actively silencing authors like Maya Angelou who actively speak out against SA.

    2. imposing a happy ending onthe painful narrative

      The end does not suggest happiness, for many of the issues are still unresolved, it gives readers hope. By leaving room for speculation at the end of the novel it forces they to ponder on the way that these social systems have treated Melinda and how they will handle the still unresolved situation. Shows a reality that exist for many women. (Talk about the woman who carried her matres to graduation).


    1. However, in both classroom and peer discriminationmodels, the academic outcomes of boys from families with lowerparent education and income, including academic self-concept, weremore negatively affected by 11th-grade discrimination relative to boysfrom higher SES backgrounds.

      use in SES paragraph


  3. Feb 2023
    1. Dataconstraints are first. Data collection for CILS began in theearly 1990s; moreover, the CILS sample was too small togenerate enough data from Black children of immigrants toallow them to be considered by our study

      place in section about logos and relate this to constraints


  4. Jan 2023
    1. Research has linked CVT to many psycho-logical and biological processes, including attention

      I wonder if it has any role in adhd

    2. we found that CVT was quadratically related to multiplemeasures of well-being, including life satisfaction and depressive symptoms

      the u shaped curve that we where talking about, the Goldilocks effect


  5. Jan 2022
    1. preclude

      to prevent from happening

    2. a fond|ness for social pleasures in which the mind not having its proportion of exercise, the bottle must be pushed about.

      people are not hospitable bc they are kind but because they minds have grown accustomed to the world around them and with little imagination in them, they must satisfy that need for novelty with foreign guest.

    1. Her lips were red, her looks were free, Her locks were yellow as gold: Her skin was as white as leprosy, The Night-mare LIFE-IN-DEATH was she, Who thicks man's blood with cold

      this was the figure approaching them

    2. Albatross

      A bird similar to a seagull

  6. Dec 2021
    1. Empirical work suggeststhat engaging and approachable faculty can contribute to URM students’ persistence incollege, whereas a lack of positive interactions with faculty can contribute to decisionsto leave college

      bc they serve as mentors

    2. Unfortunately, this traditional approach ignores dynamicinteractions between students’ identities and the environment (e.g., institutional policy,campus climate, and classroom experiences) that affect students’ decisions to stay or leaveearly.

      w/o addressing this aspect of the issue little change can be made

    3. facing racial discrimination, social exclusion, microaggressions,and the task of resisting deficit-oriented cultural stereotypes

      like said in life after, make them feel like "the other" and not welcome


  7. Nov 2021
    1. Instead, children need to learn to analyze the printed forms of words and map these onto mean-ing.

      Its hard to learn language based on arbitrary symbols, but learning print too sound can be a helpfull firts step to later assign meaning.

  8. Oct 2021
    1. . We refer to these latterinterventions as universalized interventions to distinguishthem from those that are targeted to a high-risk or disad-vantaged group

      this article calls for targeted interventions to help specific youth that is at risk.


    1. Par-ticipants were 57% female and 74% white non-Hispanic; 86%were aged between 18 and 22 years.

      still need more poc but the again white ppl tend to have greater access to higher ed in the first place.

    2. The sample was 67.7% female, and 72.0% white/Caucasian

      needs more poc

    3. cross-sectional

      across different groups, but at the same point in time

    4. earlier onset of psychiatric disorders, as well assuicidal thoughts and behaviors, predict severity, persistence,and treatment nonresponse throughout life [6,11,12]; therefore,their occurrence among young adults is particularly problematic

      early conditions could mean that this could persist on to later adult hood and hard to get rid of


    1. exposure topollutants, patterns of microbialcolonization, metabolic impairment,and psychosocial stress duringsensitive periods in development canall predispose to inflammatoryairway responses to viruses,allergens, and other external stimuliin genetically susceptiblechildren.16

      early exposure to pathogens and continuous exposure could lead to pulmonary disease and increased mortality

    2. that can becomeincreasingly difficult to change thelonger and more persistent theinsult

      stress is not just about hear rate it can cause o number of other health related problems that involve other systems of the body

    3. These include thesocioeconomic hardships of poverty(eg, food insecurity, unstablehousing), the structural inequitiesand interpersonal discrimination ofracism, the psychosocial threats ofchild maltreatment and communityviolence, the interactive challenges ofmaternal depression and parentaladdictions, the physiologicdisruptions of air pollution and otherenvironmental toxicants, themetabolic consequences of poornutrition, and the developmentaleffects of extreme prematurity, severeillness, or chronic disability.

      These are examples of wide range experienced/exposures that can undermine the foundations of health, learning and behavior. One of the two categories of influence on the heath and development of young children


  9. Feb 2021
    1. Corresponding to the idea of "separate spheres" for women and men in society, the idea that women were, by their nature, sickly, complemented the idea that men were robust, aggressive, healthy and thus naturally predisposed to the harsh, competitive world of work while women were more suited to the quiet, sanctified life of the home.

      Scientist and men called women "sick by nature" to portray women as incompetent and there for not capable of doing work outside of the home.

    2. but women could not help but see opportunities for themselves in this growth.

      "Cult of Domesticity" Women were expected to take on a traditional role to provide as sense of "stability" in a changing world. However women saw change as an opportunity to get a place in influential roles through education and work opportunities.

  10. Jan 2021
    1. All this becomes your life-­‐long project, that isYou are Mexican.

      The same way that the Kant lost "seeking out the notion of time" as a philosopher this was one of his inquiries. Einstein is also lost in his search for the right equation. We as Mexican americans are lost trying to understand what it means to me "half" mexican.

    2. loves itself so much, it moves acrossthe boundaries of death, to touch itselfonce more, to praise both divided sidesequally, as if it was almost easy

      loving ourselves entirely for what we are despite our imperfections.

    3. Believe it is the sin and the sinner—the tempting, the taking, the apple, the fall,every one of us guilty, the story of us all

      biblical allusion to Adam and Eve being tempted, original sin. Makes the point that we are all flawed.

    4. code for creation

      dna comparison perhaps , making reference to the unity of life and recurring patterns in nature

    5. hearts shredded sacrifices for the continuum

      Aztec sacrifices

    6. Kant

      german philosopher

    7. sinew,

      something that holds a structure together


  11. May 2020
    1. Estimates indicate that roughly 58 to 76 percent of the variance in the liability to AN,23,24 and 54 to 83 percent of the variance in the liability to BN25,26 can be accounted for by genetic factors. Although the confidence intervals on these estimates are wide, consistent findings across studies support moderate heritability of these traits.

      so percentages vary but these results show that genetics do play a factor in this, specially complaring faternal twins to identical ones

    2. However, given that first-degree relatives share both genes and environments, these studies cannot differentiate genetic versus environmental causes for the observed familiality

      families share environment and genes they need to single out genes > twin studies

    3. The authors speculated that these findings may reflect an activation of etiologic genes during puberty.

      Genetic factors , these activate during puberty. 11 year old twins little concern for weight, 17 yr old twins more "variance in attitudes" meaning that before they all where consistently no concern but now that their older there is more ppl that are concerned about weight.

    1. Our intent in taking justice in our own hands was not an attempt to instill mob rule but the only desire to insure our wives and families safe passage in the streets.

      They used the excuse of " simply defending our families" to attack zoot suiters.

    2. such hair cuts are distinguishing gang characteristics.

      This was used to make the boys look threatening to the public.

    3. Shoemaker replied that the effect of changing the hair style would be to make it difficult for prosecution witnesses to identify them in connection with their alleged participation in a riot last August 2

      This shows up in the play Zoot Suiter, this was an actual event

    1. Some said it stemmed from an attack on military employees allegedly orchestrated by Mexican American gang members known at the time as pachucos. Others insisted it was an effort by Los Angeles police to distract people from the trial of a fellow officer. One thing is clear: Racist newspaper reports, including many in the Los Angeles Times, viewed the victims, not the military men, as the problem.

      The media had its own way of making minority groups into scapegoats. White men used their title of war veterans to protect them from their discriminatory crimes.

    2. The young people hadn’t actually broken any laws, Pagán said, but instead had done things such as refusing to cede a sidewalk to a white person.

      They didn't even cause trouble they just didn't give in to the racist social norms that existed at the time.

    1. When memes or the subjects of a meme are used for commercial purposes without permission, the meme creator may sue, as the effect of the commercial use on the market value of the original meme usually prevents a finding of fair use. In 2013, the owners of the cats featured in the “Nyan Cat” and “Keyboard Cat” memes won a lawsuit against Warner Bros. and 5th Cell Media for respectively distributing and producing a video game using images of their cats.

      I think this points out that using memes to make profit out of them without giving credit to the creator is when it becomes a form of exploitation.

    2. “[m]utating memes, because of their unique characteristics, are more like ideas,” thus unprotected under copyright. Dawkins acknowledged this point in 2013 when he observed that internet memes, unlike genes, were actively manipulated by human creativity to appear different from the original.

      A meme becomes its own work because it utilizes parts of a separate original work but it creates a totally different message with a different purpose. A meme is used in a way to share humor and ideas with others without making money out of it, which makes it something that belongs to the public and not a specific person.

    1. He had nothing to do with the bombing; he had committed suicide.

      I think this highlights the dangers of doxxing people without having enough evidence to make sure these people are the ones that commited the crime. In this example they harmed someone who was completely innocent.

    2. Doxxing, she believed, was an effective way to make people think twice about being so bold with their racism.

      I am on board with people being held accountable for their words and acts of discrimination like the march in Charlottesville, but what scares me about doxxing is that racist people will just go back to hiding their racism, makes me wonder if there's anything we can do to have these people change their way of thinking

    1. The dominant body language of the sphinx, meanwhile - clawing her way up the hero's chest - has been seen to express fears of the growing political and cultural influence of women in mid-19th-century France.

      this image fight the long held belief that women are ignorant to things such as the arts and that they lacked the capability to understand depth, here they acknowledge that women are gaining power and this is scary.

    1. Woman in her diversity is a mystery to man. Woman is at one and the same time saint, whore, and an unhappily devoted…

      good painting can serve as an example to show how limited the roles of a woman are,coinciding with the idea that a woman has to please her mad despite the fact that this may cost her her happiness.

  12. Apr 2020
    1. This article serves as a good overview on the play "Zoot Suit" by Luis Valdez