41 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2019
    1. All you need to do is find a gap of about a half hour to an hour of your day, at least three days a week to head to the gym.

      Basically make time for the gym, it is not difficult.

    2. Exercise can limit the chance of getting a cold or the flu and will strengthen the immune system.

      A good comment to keep in mind.

    3. One way to combat depression is exercising! A national health and nutrition survey stated that people who were physically active were half as likely to be depressed. Serotonin, the neurotransmitter in the brain that is meant to keep your mind calm is boosted when a person does physical activity as well.

      A good statistic to include. Staying well in shape can help release depression. The brain is constantly running, so just staying on track with your mental health again.

    4. The act of exercising enables a person to let go of their stressors at the same time and allow for them to exhaust themselves of what is holding them down.

      Letting go of what one is holding onto.

    5. Staying in shape is not the only reason why it is important to exercise, it is also very important for the brain. Exercise is proven to stop memory loss and can even stimulate brain growth leading to increased mental capacity.

      How staying in shape is good for mental health as well.

  2. Sep 2019
    1. “You’re trying to shape a life that leads you to a happy place,”

      college is the best place for this to happen

    2. that students aren’t learning to stumble and to right themselves, which they can do in college with lower stakes than later on.

      they were just stating the facts

    3. One crossroads that students often get needlessly worked up about is choosing a major.

      thats something that many go through their first years on college

    4. Several faculty members were also there

      they are the people that show up the most in the times you didnt even know

    5. Most students don’t fully get that

      its not always just your friends and thats it.

    6. Many students, nervous about a new environment, follow friends from high school or people whose demographic backgrounds match their own into homogeneous cocoons.

      but they dont know that it ends up being the most awakening experience there is

    7. The more you regard college as a credentialing exercise, the less likely you are to get the benefits.”

      college is an experience and needs to be soaked in every minute

    8. My focus is on optimal ways to socialize, to prioritize, to pick up skills integral to any career and to open up exciting opportunities both en route to a degree and after you’ve acquired it.

      this is must while picking what you want

    9. Go big. Go small. Put prestige above cost. Do the opposite.

      that's the choice that many seniors in high school start realizing that its becoming reality

    1. “Many of our students did great in high school, but they come here and don’t realize that you can’t just study the night before for a test,

      thats somthing that people too this dont know that its really real

    2. Living-learning communities, which house students who have similar personal or academic interests,

      thats another way that getting to know eachother

    3. Taking more credits has benefits other than cutting time to a degree.

      the more the more you stress

    4. Do the math — most students don’t, and it’s difficult to catch up: You need 15 credits a semester on average to get through in four years.

      thats what they dont tell students from the start

    5. Melanie Tucci calculated that she would have to work about 30 hours a week as well as take out loans to make it through college

      im needed to do the same basically

    6. Only 45 percent of students who work more than that are able to keep their grade-point averages above 3.0

      well maybe they didnt know how to mange their time

    1. connections

      the connections in life create the moves of the wave

    2. increased student engagement, improved academic outcomes

      outcomes have a benefits and they create a better path in life

    3. gained a much richer understanding of the organizational communication concepts that they were studying in class and that they had greater confidence in their communication skills than they possessed prior to their CSL experience

      communications skills have to increase and with the program in helps improve the

    4. it is illustrated in numerous studies that students benefit personally with regards to an increased sense of efficacy

      students benefit from the csl program and the they have a better chance of making better decisions while in the real world.

    5. “service-learning has a positive effect on students’ personal and interpersonal development, including a sense of personal identity, spiritual growth, moral development, the ability to work well with others, and leadership and communication skills

      it helps in real life problems and when life in counters difficult decisions

    6. “service-learning has a positive effect on students’ personal and interpersonal development, including a sense of personal identity, spiritual growth, moral development, the ability to work well with others, and leadership and communication skills

      it helps in real life problems and when life in counters difficult decisions

    7. he key to CSL is that the learning experiences are well-connected with the course material in a way that the engagement with the course material aids in more successfu

      this shows the importance of csl program and how they need to have in life

    8. experiential learning –

      learn more about self and community outside of classroom

  3. Aug 2019
    1. during the Depression

      that was sad

    2. Zinn joined the Army Air Corps

      thats legit crazyBold

    3. Again.” “I would not deny that [WWII] had a certain moral core, but that made it easier for Americans to treat all subsequent wars with a kind of glow,” Zinn said. “Every enemy becomes Hitler.” Years later he would look back at his role in dropping what was then ca

      damn crazy

    4. Thomas Jefferson

      old white man

  4. Jan 2019
    1. Zinn joined the Army Air Corps in 1943, eager to fight the fascists, and became a bombardier

      Maybe looking back at anti-fascist narratives and propaganda of the time prompted him to become a historian later in life, so that people will no longer be misled by popularized information

    2. Zinn continued reading literature to help understand the world around him including The Communist Manifesto, The Jungle, and The Grapes of Wrath.

      wowowowowow what a smart boi


    3. Vietnam

      In asia

    4. He went on to read about fascism in Europe

      Were discussions about fascism/politics the norm in the time of Zinn's childhood?

    5. Zinn was hit and knocked unconscious.


    6. Zinn was hit and knocked unconscious

      impacting event for zin

    7. His parents were Jewish immigrants

      Where were they originally from?

    8. Born Aug. 24, 1922, Howard Zinn grew up in New York City. His parents were Jewish immigrants, and met as factory workers. His father worked as a ditch digger and window cleaner during the Depression. His father and mother ran a neighborhood candy store for a brief time, barely getting by. For many years his father was in the waiter’s union and worked as a waiter for weddings and bar mitzvahs.

      hello darkness my old friend