4 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. fortune telling

      the tendency to anticipate that things will turn out badly, no matter how much practice or rehearsal is done.

    2. overgeneralization

      believing that a single event (such as failing at a task) is a universal or “always” event

    3. “all or nothing”

      a mindset that if your speech falls short of “perfection” (an unrealistic standard), then you are a failure as a public speaker

    4. glossophobia

      …a severe fear of public speaking . People who suffer from glossophobia tend to freeze in front of any audience, even a couple of people. They find their mouth dries up, their voice is weak and their body starts shaking. They may even sweat, go red and feel their heart thumping rapidly. (“Do You Suffer From Glossophobia ?,” 2015)