27 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2018
    1. Large-scale text (text with at least 18-point or 14-point bold font size) should have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1. Incidental text that is incidental or has no value has no contrast requirements. Logotypes also have no contrast requirements.

      I'm confused by this addition, and am wondering if it's necessary? Or maybe just add a footnote paragraph, associated with the "7:1" requirement noted above where some "exceptions" can be listed.

      I also suspect that terms "Incidental text" and "Logotypes" might confuse some people. For consistency, you could borrow from the text on the Images page and maybe refer to "decorative text" such as logos..?

    2. Level AAA of the

      I'm betting there will be a lot of developers who don't know what the Level AAA means. Maybe a short footnote should be included to explain?

    3. 1.

      Again, can't believe we missed this before now, but 1,2 & 3 are not currently formatted as an ordered list (are just paragraphs). Could you please fix our mistake?

    1. 2.

      Same as above; needs to be formatted as a list.

    2. 1.

      Aagh - Major oversight on our part when we built this, but this should be formatted as an ordered-list. (Currently just a paragraph)

    1. Method

      In this new table you've created, Survey, Field Work, Experiment, and Secondary Data Analysis should all be given the format. Otherwise a screen-reader won't remind the user that a specific set of (e.g.) advantages are associated with Surveys...

    2. Colour Family Bulb Shrub Tree Pink Tulip Flowering current Ornamental plum Yellow Daffodils Forsythia Star magnolia

      Please amend this once upper portion has been corrected.

      This example specifically illustrates how to create a table that identifies 2 different "qualifiers" at a time for a screen-reading user. It's the connection between "BULB" + "PINK" that leads to "TULIP".

    3. <td>Pink</td>

      And this + Yellow shouldn't be a but a <th scope="row>

    4. <th>

      As noted above, this needs scope="col"

    5. Has one row in which cells are tagged as column headers (Colour Family, Bulbs, Shrubs, Trees), and one column (beginning on the second row) in which the cells are tagged as row headers (Pink, Yellow)

      Something has been lost in the coding + functionality of the table in this version. In the last version, the top header-row identified column scope and the "Pink" & "yellow" row-headers were identified as "row" scope. This is because the table should tell the user that if they want Pink + Bulbs they can plant Tulips, if they want Pink + Shrubs they can plant a flowering currant, etc. In other words - there are two types of headers that have to be incorporated to provide full-context via screen reader.

      [See https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/tables/two-headers/ ]

    6. row

      Suggest adding back in the context re: "first row of data" (i.e. vs. "first row" which is actually the header row)

    7. File types

      Rebold this please

    8. Tables that do not have headers are called layout tables.

      Suggest that this sentence be in brackets with the layout tables text bolded. I.e. (Tables that do not have headers are called layout tables.)

    9. Tables

      Can you please re-bold the Tables: and File types: text? Also the "data tables" text was bolded before and I think should still be highlighted that way.

    1. skipping through links

      This word choice may be confusing for some of the developers. Did you intend "skimming" vs. "skipping"?

    1. Long Descriptions

      Having this same heading repeated down here is confusing; I think all you need is to identify this as the long-description for the Figure 1.1 example. Or "Long Description Example" as the heading, followed by the text you currently have there.

      Also - I think this heading level is an H2 which seems off for the hierarchy of the page structure.

    2. Example 3 — accessible:

      This one's good! I.e. heading + explanation precedes the visual example.

    3. Example 1 — not accessible:

      Now that I'm really reading this again after all this time (!) I'm thinking the "Example 1..." heading + sentence should be moved up ahead of the coloured bar graph. Same with the "Example 2..." heading + sentence should be moved ahead of the grey-scale version of the graph.

    4. NVDA screen reader

      Pretty sure there are going to be a lot of developers who don't know what this acronym stands for, etc. Probably enough to just say "when most screen readers detect..." or something similarly generic...?

    5. Return to Figure 1.1 on this page to try it out. Click on the [Long Description] link in the image caption.

      This sentence sort of hangs here in so far as it's not clear which section of the how-to steps it's associated with. The nested instructions element may be visually clearer if the 4 parts are formally turned into a list of instructions, but this one is less about what textbook developers have to do to make their own long descriptions and more about seeing the end-product of the steps in practice. So maybe this sentence could use a bit of additional support along the lines of "Now that you have reviewed the steps to add a long description to a Pressbooks image, review the Figure 1.1 example on this page....(etc.)"

    6. green

      Recommend against identifying this way -- especially since some of most common forms of colour-blindness affect ability to read green. I don't know that you have to remove the green highlighting itself, but maybe just leave the text description as "as highlighted in the above image" (or along those lines)?

    7. How to Set Up a Long Description for an Image in Pressbooks

      I think the directions in this section should themselves be formatted as an ordered/numbered list. (Perhaps the sub-lists within each part could be ordered/lettered or roman numeral lists, or other...) I'd be inclined to insert a context setting sentence just below the heading, along the lines of "Adding a Long Description to an image in Pressbooks is relatively simple but requires you to complete the four steps outlined below." [WORDING JUST A SUGGESTION]

      I suggest this because this is a highly technical & applied section vs. being more general-info focused, so formatting it as a list with set of instructions may help the emphasis on practical-application to stand out more.

    8. Sample caption with a link to a long description.

      Not sure what this is supposed to look like, but in both my Chrome and IE browsers, the content within the table-cells over-runs the cell borders and it detracts from the example.

    9. There are three ways to provide alternative text descriptions for images: Describe the image in the alt tag. Describe the image in the surrounding text. Create and link to a long description of the image.

      Just wanted to say NICE JOB re: how you've amended this section & fleshed these details out