13 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. you’ll have to train yourself to do it well.

      practice makes perfect.

    2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting with a quote? What about the advantages and disadvantages of starting with a quote from the President? How would other readers respond to this technique? Would certain readers (say Democrats or liberals) appreciate an essay that started with a quote from President Obama better than other readers (say Republicans or conservatives)? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of starting with a quote from a less divisive person? What about starting with a quote from someone more divisive?

      pro/con who's your audience. Mike is helping you use the same type of writing in your essay.

    3. These are all reasonable questions to ask.

      There are no right or wrong questions.

    4. The goal is to carefully consider the choices the author made and the techniques that he or she used, and then decide whether you want to make those same choices or use those same techniques in your own writing. Author and professor Wendy Bishop explains how her reading process changed when she began to read like a writer:

      It's about what you describe.

    5. Say you’re reading an essay in class that begins with a short quote

      Mike was trying to make it feel like they are talking

    6. The goal as you read like a writer is to locate what you believe are the most important writerly choices

      making your own choices in reading is important.

    7. trying to understand how the piece of writing was put together

      Mike Bunn was asking why.

    8. Instead of reading for content or to better understand the ideas in the writing

      instead of just reading its better to understand why the writing was put together and learn from it

    9. The idea is to carefully examine the things you read, looking at the writerly techniques in the text in order to decide if you might want to adopt similar (or the same) techniques in your writing


    10. I realized writing is a word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence process.

      Mike bunn stated that he realized that writing is more complexed than just writing words and sentences , That there is a process when it comes to writing.

    11. For most college students RLW is a new way to read, and it can be difficult to learn at first. Making things even more difficult is that your college writing instructor may expect you to read this way for class but never actually teach you how to do it.

      This explains that there are different ways to learn and different ways to teach how to read

    12. How to Read Like a Writer

      The title explains what we are about to read and also what the article is talking about .

    13. When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to “build” one for yourself.

      Mike Bunn is saying that if we read somebody else's writing , we can learn how to write our own.