- Feb 2018
boys are still perceived as a danger to girls because of their vulnerability -- a bias with negative impacts for both genders, researchers said.
The issue surrounding the safety and inequalities girls face needs to be addressed not only from the female persepctive but from the males as well.
As they enter adolescence, silence and modesty are instilled as desirable values, as girls are pressed to behave in a "modest fashion."
Girls are often times sheltered by their parents. They have stricter rules, earlier curfews and many other restrictions that are not placed on boys.
calls it the hegemonic myth: the perception that men are the dominant sex, strong and independent, while women need to be protected.
This is a quality that parents ultimately instill in their kids. By blocking their sons emotions and by treating the emotions of their daughters very delicately it results in associating boys with strong and girls with weak.
Whether a child is in Baltimore, Beijing or New Delhi, the onset of adolescence triggers a common set of rigidly enforced gender expectations associated with increased lifelong risks of mental and physical health problems.
I think this could be useful information to put in my essay.
web.b.ebscohost.com web.b.ebscohost.com
For instance, men are more likely to marry divorced mothers of sons than they are to marry divorced mothers of daughters.
What is the statistic for this?
couples with multiple daughters are more likely to try for another baby than are couples with multiple sons.
This is very interesting and I wonder if its something that can be seen in our daily lives. Personally i feel like its the other way around.
-it's also true in the United States, where a couple whose only child is female is 4.4 percent more likely to divorce than a couple whose only child is a boy, and where a couple with three girls is nearly nine percent more likely to split up than a couple with three boys.
Is this because there is a bias around sons and a social perception that sons are better than daughters? Or is there evidence that daughters need more attention, or that they are more financially demanding then sons?
www.miamiherald.com www.miamiherald.com
girls are 11 percent more likely than boys to be in gifted programs.
This completely breaks the gender stereotypes that people hold.
And parents are two and a half times more likely to ask “Is my son gifted?” than “Is my daughter gifted?”
I thought this was really interesting. Why do we assume that sons would be more intelligent then daughters and why do we hold higher academic standards for boys than girls?
Sending gender-related messages like girls are more nurturing and boys are more math and science oriented can also impact academic paths and career choices.
These types of messages can be really damaging to people. I think a majority of parents don't realize that they are doing these things.
Fathers of daughters used more analytical language (e.g., words such as all, below and much), which has been linked to future academic success.
This positively influenced the way girls performed. Does achievement related language have a negative impact, or does it still lead to success?
Other research has found that restricted emotions in adult men is linked to depression, decreased social intimacy, marital dissatisfaction and a lower likelihood of seeking mental health treatment.
Sons may suffer more consequences than daughters when it comes to the different ways children are treated.
If fathers are more present and attentive to daughters and open to expressing emotions, that may help girls develop more empathy than boys, so fathers of sons could take the same approach as fathers of daughters
The way parents interact with their children highly impacts the behaviors people develop. It could be useful to integrate the way parents treat their sons and daughters.
www.cbsnews.com www.cbsnews.com
"In most fields of research there's so much more research on men than on women, but this is one of the rare situations in which there's a lot more research on moms than on dads,"
Its interesting to see how research can even be plagued by gender stereotypes. Parenting is usually strongly associated with females.
www.professorshouse.com www.professorshouse.com
The interesting thing is that according to statistics that rate drug use and even the proneness to get into car accidents, the most reckless sex among teenagers are males.
This is very interesting considering we tend to shelter girls and worry that they will get hurt when boys are more likely to put themselves at risk.
The problem with this perception is that by holding our daughters to fear based standards, we restrict their ability to be confident, capable and equal human beings.
In 1994, a study performed by Adolescence Magazine confirmed that most parents are more protective of their daughters and permissive of their sons