40 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. theory of the case for Factor One

      jewell is a victim who suffers from a horrible disease. sleep center is trying to evade their legal duty

    2. Instructions

      represent Jewell.


    1. such as Edmund Burke, Aldous Huxley, Samuel Johnson, Barack Obama, and Plato

      this insertion is sooo long. got lost reading this sentence.

    2. and only then

      strong & clear. not overdramatic.

    3. precisely


    4. like a Greek chorus punctuating virtually every paragraph

      too much. anything but subtle. overdramatic.

    5. entirely

      intensifier but not the worst use of one.

      can see why used it. but Tice would take out anyway.

    6. It is undisputed that


    7. Only after this happens


    8. while Congress properly carved out permanent resident aliens from the statute, it overlooked that many lawfulresidents are not permanentresidents under the immigration laws. Text, history, and precedent make clear that such individuals who—like Plaintiffs here—live, work, and pay taxes in the United States, are just as entitled to First Amendment protections as permanent residents and citizens.

      gives weight & subtle emotion. brings people into it.

      good. powerful.


    9. It cannot.

      Tice does NOT like when its cutoff like this.

      use "It cannot do so."

    10. exegesis

      don't include words the judge is going to have to look up.

      wtf does this mean. overdramatic & pretentious/arrogant.

    11. plainly

      intensifier. don't need.

    12. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) filed its Notice of Motion and Motion for Summary Judgment, Dkt. #141 (the “Motion”), seeking summary judgment under Fed. R. Civ. Pro. 56(c) against Defendants Lucas Law Center “incorporated” (“LucasLawCenter”), Future Financial Services, LLC (“FFS”), Paul Jeffrey Lucas (“Lucas”), Christopher Francis Betts (“Betts”), and Frank Sullivan (“Sullivan”) (collectively, “Defendants”). In support of its Motion, the FTC filed its Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary Judgment, Dkt. #142 (“FTC’s Memo.”); its Statement of Uncontroverted Facts & Conclusions of Law in Support of Plaintiff’s Motion, Dkt. #143 (“Uncontroverted Facts”); the transcripts of five consumer depositions, Dkt. #145-149; and numerous exhibits comprised of Defendants’ business records, Dkt. 151.


      wtf. you do NOT tag names like this unless there are 2 ppl with the same name or Mr&Ms -> X Family

      why so much useless history and naming?

    13. In stark contrast, the FTC has amassed overwhelming, uncontroverted evidence in support of its Motion, which should now be granted

      theory of the case seems to be "We filed more documents"

      this is so dumb.

    14. 1.

      not about THEIR argument., just puts down other sides argument.


  2. Nov 2020
    1. In addition, there must be a showing that the particular damages were fairly within the contemplation of the parties to the contract at the time it was made

      Hadley hat tip

    2. Under the rule generally applied to the nonpayment or underpayment of money orders transmitted through telegraph companies, the measure of damages is the interest on the money from the time it should have been delivered to the time it was actually delivered, together with the cost of the message

      do not need to know this industry-specific rule

    3. he measure of recovery “is based upon what the defendant should have given the plaintiff, not what the plaintiff has given the defendant or otherwise expended.

      measure of recovery is expectation damages & not restitution

    4. breach of the covenant occurs when the discretionary power is used to ‘recapture opportunities foregone’when the contract was entered into

      breach of prevent/take benefit of bargain away from other side

    5. covenant is implied as a supplement to the express contractual covenants, to prevent a contracting party from engaging in conduct which (while not technically transgressing the express covenants) frustrates the other party’s rights to the benefits of the contract.

      can violate duty of GF&FD even if not violating terms of k ; includes frustrating other party's ability to perform

    6. abuse of a power to specify terms

      recall facebook

    7. complete catalogue of types of bad faith is impossible


    8. is not a contractual term that the parties are free to bargain in or out as they see fit


    9. an action for its breach is really no differentfrom a tort action

      AS A GENERAL RULE you can't get punitive damages for k claims/breach actions but you CAN for tort actions

    10. he attorney began yelling so loudly that Carmichael held the receiver up so that others who were in the office with her could hear it

      no legal significance BUT great controlling of the narrative

    11. offer would be withdrawn in five days

      renews offer


  3. Oct 2020
    1. did not object to Brewer’s stated understanding of the term “favorably considered,”the Board is bound by themeaning discussed in the presence of its representatives

      principle 4

    2. Plaintiff must have expected defendant to make some profit—certainly it could not have expected defendant deliberately to incur a loss..

      principle 1


    1. She informed him that she wanted to compensate him for being so helpful, and that if he would agree to continue to look after her and continue to let Frances visit her, she would leave the real property to him and the balance of the estate to Frances.

      court describes this as if it were a bilateral k and not a unilateral k

    2. commercial sought a reciprocal promise, expressed through acceptance of, and compliance with, theterms of the Order Form

      offer for a bilateral k

    3. Harrier Jet commercial did not direct that anyone who appeared at Pepsi headquarters with 7,000,000 Pepsi Points on the Fourth of July would receive a Harrier Jet.

      not an offer for a unilateral k ; offer does not tell person to perform to accept

    4. First, the commercial cannot be regarded in itself as sufficiently definite, because it specifically reserved the details of the offer to aseparate writing, the Catalog

      If representing Leonard, push back on this. Ad is pretty definite. Gives item & listed price.


  4. Sep 2020
    1. where a promise to disregard the non-occurrence of the condition materially affects the value received by the promisor or the burden or risk assumed by him, the promise is not binding....”Restatement§ 84, cmt. c.

      a promise to accept the waiver

    2. criteria


      its an ELEMENT test

    3. This would be the result had Laclede retained the right of immediate cancellation at any time for any reason

      not a neutral statement of law (legal rule) but there is an implicit legal rule here

    4. The case law is not clear on whether there is a distinction between part performance and full performance. [co] However, since the parties treat the issues separately, the Court will address them independently, although similar principles apply in each instance

      Y I K ES

    5. Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 139: Enforcement By Virtue of Action in Reliance

      RSoC §90 + 5 words


    1. Pursuant to the SleepRestore program instructions, she did not stay in bed but instead got up and walked to the reading room.

      Reading room specific to sleep program


  5. Aug 2020
    1. TOBRINER, J.

      This begins the judicial opinion
