52 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2018
    1. Examples

      I think this needs more explanation with the examples.

    2. ⊕{...}⊖{

      There is a lot of complexity here - it might be useful to help trace the compiledRelease block and versionedRelease block in another way.

    3. versionedRelease

      format style

    4. compiledRelease

      format style?

    5. view the

      view of the

    6. At a minimum, a record should exist for each contracting process to provide a list of all the releases that relate to that contracting process.

      I don't understand this sentence. This suggests to me that there could be more than one record.

    7. For example:

      There are a large number of examples here. Would fewer convey the message?

  2. Feb 2018
    1. snapshot

      Is 'snapshot' helpful here. Consider if releases conceptually provide a snapshot.

    2. There are two kinds of OCDS document:

      This compare and contrast section might benefit from bullet points in the diagram or some further simplification. Are these the simplest correct statements: Releases are the latest (ideally, real-time) updated information on specific parts of a contracting process. Subsequent releases update previously released information. Records integrate all the releases so that the most current information on the whole end-to-end contracting process is presented.

    1. Worked Example

      another green box with a "!" - consistency question for formatting. Consider title: Worked example: how to map OCDS codelists to other classification systems".

    2. Field level mapping

      Consider title as "Template tool available: Field level mapping". "!" icon looks like a warning - but green.

    3. Extensions

      Consider removing or reducing the extensions section from here. It is perhaps unlikely at this stage that a user would be asking what to do if they can't find a field or building block they want to use.

    4. Many closed codelist fields are paired with a detail field where more detailed classification information can be provided.

      Is this a correct interpretation, "To help with the mapping, many closed codelist fields are paired with a detail field. Here, you can provide more detailed information on your own classification"?

    5. Open Codelists Party Role Item Classification Scheme Unit Classification Scheme Organization Identifier Scheme Document Type Award Criteria Submission Method Related Process Related Process Scheme Milestone Type Extended Procurement Category Closed Codelists Release Tag Initiation Type Tender Status Procurement Method Procurement Category Award Status Contract Status Currency Milestone Status

      Question if these lists are adding value here? Yes there are some of each type but does it help the reader to know these are the ones?

    6. OCDS defines two kinds of codelist:

      Diagram may help here. Perhaps image of a drop-down for a field key with codelist value options. Repeat diagram for open codelists with text entry field.

    7. Many of these fields make use of lightweight codelists provided by OCDS.

      Relocate this sentence to the Codelists section. Revise: "Many fields make use of lightweight codelists provided by OCDS".

    8. items

      Could building blocks have a more distinct format so that whenever we refer to them it is more clear. consider something akin to the way fields are presented as red text in rectangular box (as below for 'titles' field)?

    9. Using building blocks

      Consider that it may be difficult to think in terms of building blocks without knowledge of fields in use. Helping the reader to visualise the purpose and cost/benefits of building blocks may be helpful. Several comments below relate to this.

    10. n addition to these building blocks, the OCDS schema sets out the specific ways they can be used in each section, and describes a number of additional fields that can appear in specific section. For example, fields for:

      This may be unclear. Consider clarifying the purpose of this paragraph or relocate to Codelists section below, if this is the purpose. Perhaps we are saying: "When building blocks are reused, there may be different additional fields in each section related to the building block". Consider example or diagram.

    11. data

      Consider using an example here to help. e.g. "for example, meta data would state the language and contracting type".

    1. Worked Example

      consider, "Worked Example: How to obtain an OCID.

    2. a contracting

      a unique contracting

    3. However, there will still be information that can be disclosed about the budgets, specifications and selection process even in this case.

      Consider, "However, even in this case, information can be disclosed about the budgets, specifications and supplier selection processes".

    4. OCDS covers:

      Consider, Figure Title: A general model of contracting stages covered by the OCDS

    1. concessions

      Consider 'Concessions' versus 'concessions', and/or in-line link to wikipedia. 'Concessions' is ambiguous and perhaps avoid completely to simplify.

    2. data standard

      Consider, in-line link to our own definitions page or external site e.g. Wikipedia page.

    3. When you are done you could be producing data that looks something like the contract release below, which is compatible with a growing range of OCDS aware tools (you will encounter a range of different OCDS release types in the following pages).

      Suggestion, "On completing these stages, you could be producing data that looks something like the contract release below. Increasingly, these data are compatible with a range of OCDS-aware tools".

    4. Check the validation of your data

      Suggestions, "Check your data are valid using the validation tool" or "Check the validity of your data".

    5. Publish your data on the web using the publication patterns

      My view is that to understand this bullet requires you to click the in-line link. Suggestion, "Publish your data on the web. Consider how your published data fits within a hierarchy of approaches to publication.

    6. Identify out the data and documents

      "Identify data and documents..."

    7. contexts

      Consider confusion here of other 'contexts' i.e. of not a "good, works or service". Perhaps, need to say "and can be extended for a range of different contexts". Then say "for example, PPP....".

    1. These users want to analyze trends in prices and supplier performance, including in terms of quality and duration.

      Consider, "These users want to analyze trends in prices. The also want to analyze supplier performance in terms of quality and timeliness".

    2. Forward looking and timely information is particularly important for private sector users, as well as being able to uniquely identify procuring entities, geographic locations, sectors, and the kinds of items which are being procured.

      Consider, "Private sector users particularly appreciate forward looking and timely information to uniquely identify procuring entities, geographic locations, sectors, and the kinds of items which are being procured".

    3. Information on past contracts can allow firms to identify upcoming opportunities for re-contracting, and can support a more competitive marketplace, as transparency creates a level playing field with information on pricing, contract dates and key deliverables.

      Consider, "Information on past contracts can allow firms to identify upcoming opportunities for re-contracting. The same information can support a more competitive marketplace, as transparency creates a level playing field with information on pricing, contract dates and key deliverables".

    1. core

      Is this consistent, or perhaps confusing? A core and core extensions? Recommend distinct vocabulary.

    1. OCDS provides spaces to give URIs to identify key dataset elements.

      Consider revising. Perhaps, "OCDS provides opportunities to publish URIs to provide links to other datasets.

    2. or

      replace with 'of'

    3. Using

      Replace 'Using' with 'Use'

    4. An example of publication at this level would involve providing a downloadable CSV file of contract information extracted from an existing database seeking to use, or map to, field names and data structures recommended by OCDS wherever possible.

      A complex sentence to simplify. Suggestion "An example of publication at this level would be for publishers to provide a CSV file of contract information. Existing field names and data structures in the CSV file could be mapped to those recommended by OCDS to facilitate publication".

    5. The following list details the documents the priority documents that publishers

      Revised sentence necessary.

    6. l.

      Table is work in progress. Consider freezing header. Consider usefulness of table with respect to vertical and horizontal sliders. Consider adding figure title "Table showing OCDS fields with their contribution to basic, intermediate and advanced publication".

    7. .

      Recommend figure title "The 5* framework and levels for disclosure"

    8. .

      Recommend figure title "Table of priority documents that publishers should provide with different levels of publication".

    9. /


    10. ,


    11. Figure title recommended, suggestion "The 5* Publication Framework and Levels for Disclosure".