3 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. Is it possible for multiple people to observe the same situation and perceive different problems associated with it? How does context and perception influence how one might identify a problem, its solution, or its importance?

      I believe that multiple people can observe the same situation but with different mindsets and how to interpret it. If 2 people were to encounter someone that is hurt, one would try to help by talking to the person in pain, while the other person calls for professional help. These are 2 different ways to react towards a sitation. It is okay for people to interpret and react in different. ways as long as there is a reasonable explanation to why they reacted to it.

    2. imprecise or incorrect use of vocabulary caused needless confusion in real life?

      I think a good example of this is when people use the words affect and effect without knowing the true definition of the words. Affect is verb and is defined as, "to change something or someone." While the word effect is a noun and is defined as, "the result of change."

    3. energy can be transferred from the food to your muscles, teaches you about how your diet and exercise influence your health

      I'm a person who works out pretty often and It is safe for me to say that many people that I know who hit the gym don't know or understand the biology behind working out. There are certain goals that people want to meet and to achieve those goals they must eat and workout a certain way. Some need to diet for weight loss and muscle gain. Understanding how foods breakdown in our body to give us energy and protein is very important to me!