8 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
  2. www-jstor-org.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu www-jstor-org.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu
    1. e.

      theyve talked about certain "nice words" whose effect is everything but inclusivity and aparenta that they actually care. Then theres mean words that isnt academically accepted but is used in most informal conversations. They also talk about how the community is attempting to regaining the meaning.

    2. iety.

      disabled and people with disability have different connotations in most cases. disabled provides an identity that must not be erased in order to keep fighting for change amongst those who have a disability that affect their daily life.

    3. sm.

      the new definition is more of a marker of identity rather than a deviation from society. it is more to signify a group of people who face the same discrimination in the social and political settings.

    4. ons.

      the word disability has been used for such a long time that it has its definition tied to sociopolitical beliefs, therefor when there was an attempt by the community to change its meaning to be more accurate many people still refuse to do so.

    5. stood

      ableist and ableis is the way to identify the individuals who see themselves as superior because they are able bodied. theres not enough awareness to make the public asses what is ableist

    6. marketability

      basically this page talks about how in the previous definition of disability was based on medical terms whose purpose was to sell an idea to the public

  3. Sep 2020