10 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2022
www.ala.org www.ala.org
Our proudest boast has been a system that makes belief in the unorthodox a permissible way of life. It is not because we want to destroy existing institutions, nor to undermine an orthodox faith that we make room for revolutionary ideas. Ideas, like the people who have them, need expression. The market place tests them—accepting a few, rejecting many. It is the interchange of ideas, the challenge to prejudices that give any people the resiliency to meet changing conditions.
Describe the tension the author refers to here.
The pre-eminent problem of this age is the invention of new institutions, new political methods for aligning the people of the world in a true crusade for freedom
In your words, what is the problem Douglas is describing?
- Oct 2020
www.theweek.co.uk www.theweek.co.uk
the relationship between England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland – all of which paved the way for the Civil Wars, and
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
33 staff members, and 12 patients
auma nurse at the hospital.
Hospital policy requires testing all patients for the virus when they are admitted, and daily screening for symptoms thereafter, the
postpone taking the next step in the city’s reopening plan because an increasing share of tests have been coming back positive: 3.5 percent in the week ended Sept. 26, compared with 2.7 percent the week before.
Broader impact on economy - college campuses, tourism.
lack of regular and convenient testing for staff members without symptoms.
Why wasn't more testing done?
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The percentage who believe the false information is consistent.
Last year, a paper published in Science found that people over the age of 65 were seven times as likely as those ages 30 to 44, the youngest group included in that survey, to share articles from websites that spread false information during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Why are the results different now?