4 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2021
    1. parthenogenesis

      Parthenogenesis is reproduction without fertilization, an ovum developing into a new individual without fertilization by a sperm.

    2. The bioinformatic nuclear genome size estimate was indeed massive, at 4.2 Gb

      I think some context here would be nice so the human genome is 3.436687 Gb long. And an elephants genome is 4.01 GB long. Other insects have varying genome sizes: Beatles: 981 MB L. striatellus: 458 MB E. sophia: 372 MB references: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5121235/



    3. monotypic

      mon·o·typ·ic having only one type or representative, especially (of a genus) containing only one species.

  2. Sep 2021
    1. anguli oculi lateralis muscle

      "These muscles connect the ring of muscles around the dog’s eyes to both ends of the eyebrows, allowing dogs to widen their eyes – making them appear “cuter.” They also allow that “eyebrow raise” that tends to melt our hearts…" reference
