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  1. Feb 2020
    1. Hi Jonathan, did you take a look at my project site pits.tgd-consulting.de ? I am using a PLANTOWER PMS7003 sensor to monitor particular matter (dust), a BME280 I2C-sensor modul to measure temperature and humidity. Optionally you can monitor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) simple and effective with an ADS1015 ADC and the Figaro TGS2600. All measurements for each sensor are shown separately in a graph on builtin webserver. TGD

      Example Air Quality project with pi and complete code. Three sensors connected: particulate, temperature, and humidity. Includes link to complete project and graphs displayed on builtin webserver.

    2. I think I am looking for something simpler (if possible). I have come accross the Grove system, which offers a very modular setup with a HAT where sensor modules can connect: https://www.seeedstudio.com/GrovePi%2B-p-2241.html It makes coding and connections much simpler

      Grove system for connecting several sensor modules at once for pi!

    1. What is the Air Quality Index (AQI)?The Air Quality Index can be calculated on the basis of the particulates in the air. It indicates how “good” or “bad” the air is straight. Unfortunately, there is no uniform standard here, because different countries calculate this differently or have different scales. The Wikipedia article on the Air Quality Index provides a good overview. At our school, we are guided by the classification established by the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency).So much for a brief outline on the subject of particulate matter and AQI.What do we need for measuring particulate matter?Actually, it only takes two things:a Raspberry Pi (every model works, best a model with WiFi)Particulates sensor SDS011That’s it :)

      Here: Particulates sensor SDS011 recommended What is the Air Quality Index (AQI)? Which sensor they recommend.