44 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Mar 2023
    1. Colours

      This bookmark does not link to the text below. It's coming up with an error 404 not found message

  3. Nov 2022
    1. Pressbooks f

      Is there a title for this section?

    2. Download this Copyright register template [.xls 11KB].
    3. Marketing textbook © Sally Tsoutsas is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license

      Consider using instead:

      © Western Sydney University, unless otherwise attributed. The OER created by _______  is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)

    4. Images where copyright is owned by Western Sydney University

      Does attribution reflect copyright owned by WSU? Attribution reflects it is owned by Sally Tsoutsas. Consider attribution example as follows for WSU copyright content:

      © Western Sydney University, unless otherwise attributed. The OER created by _______  is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)

    1. Council of Australian U

      Is there a header for this section?

    2. menu.

      Consider adding a hard return before and after the image

    3. RTR

      Consider spelling out acronyms in full e.g. 'RTR'

    1. Book information

      Consider: Request a DOI from the Library to help make your work discoverable and to add it to your body of work in ORCID

  4. westernsydney.pressbooks.pub westernsydney.pressbooks.pub
    1. Draft WSU Library Open Textbook Style Guide Copyright © by Karen Sheehy. All Rights Reserved.

      Have you confirmed the licence for this style guide?

    1. For more information

      Consider making this more of a header - also adding a hard return after the header

    1. References

      Consider activating the links

    2. on the left.

      Consider adding a hard return after this line.

    3. 1. Be selective.  Create mnemonics for the elements you find hardest to recall. Don’t try to make mnemonics for everything you need to remember. 2. Learning a new mnemonic takes regular practice over an extended period. Create a study schedule, using spaced repetition. Trying to cram new mnemonics just before an exam doesn’t work very well. 3. Eventually, you won’t need the mnemonic to support your recall because the information will have passed into your long-term memory. Nonetheless, you will find that some mnemonics stay with you always!

      Consider using Quotes (speech mark " tool) to format'space out these dot points

  5. westernsydney.pressbooks.pub westernsydney.pressbooks.pub
    1. References

      Consider enabling the links in the references

    2. Watch this vid

      Consider adding a space before this text

    1. How to learn well

      The layout of this page is interesting and well thought through

    1. Do you know the t

      Consider adding a space to separate the H5P object from the following text

    1. Library Study Smart

      Consider adding a space above this line to separate header from body text

    1. Learn more about creating a

      Consider adding a horizontal line between these two sections, or making them dot points.

    1. Interactive study planner Try this interactive study planner from WSU Online. GO TO PLANNER Printable planners Try one of these WSU printable planners. GO TO WEBPAGE Develop your planning and organising skills The University has resources to get you started in developing your self-management skills. GO TO WEBPAGE

      Consider reformatting this section and consistent font type.

    2. Use the last part of a study session to plan and prepare for the next one. 2. Schedule study breaks to recharge. Step away from your work and do something else for a few minutes. Physical activity and mental rest can help you refocus when you return. Try looking up “pomodoro technique” – an effective strategy to improve focus. 3. Build in rewards to help motivate you. One approach is to do the task you like less first, and reward yourself by doing something you prefer (this is known as the Premack principle).

      Tip: Consider using Quote (speech mark) tool on this section. Font becomes smaller but spacing between the points is more defined.

    3. that suit you best.

      Add a space ofter this paragraph.

    1. Study Skills by Western Sydney University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

      Consider the following phrasing of this attribution: (c) Western Sydney University unless otherwise attributed. Study Skills by Western Sydney University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

  6. Oct 2022
    1. Main Body

      Consider including links to the Pressbooks User Guide (WSU edition), or just to the book itself, as needed on each page for further information/guidance https://westernsydney.pressbooks.pub/pressbooksuserguide202203/

    2. Cover design

      This cover will only be displayed on the webbook.

      A separate PDF book cover would need to be created if the book was to be printed, or forwarded to a printing service to print the book. Downloads don't automatically include the book cover. Downloads are also only for a point-in-time - they don't automatically update when you update the book content.

    3. Western Sydney University logo

      Contact the University Copyright Officer about whether the WSU logo can be used for your book (that is, to determine if the book is WSU-copyrighted)

    4. 1

      Add a title here.

      Also under this section, a section for tracking/documenting changes including the date the change was made (as we do with procedures)

    5. Western Sydney University Brand guidelines

      Consider including a reference to indigenous guidelines for publishing

    6. Appendix

      Consider including a separate Reference list section, with a link to the Library Reference and citation page

  7. westernsydney.pressbooks.pub westernsydney.pressbooks.pub
    1. Peer review

      Add instructions on how to invite users, then activate and use Hypothes.is for peer review.

  8. westernsydney.pressbooks.pub westernsydney.pressbooks.pub
    1. This is where you can write your introduction.

      Consider also including a section for documenting (and dating) changes made periodically to the text - as we do for procedures.