16 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. choice

      choice of species

    2. i


    3. Zeitloupe


    4. second

      a second

    5. gibberelic


    6. vary during the course of the day

      Since not all plants show this diurnal time course I would write the sentence a bit different, putting the more important part in front: The optical properties of the epidermis vary strongly in response to exposure to blue light and UV radiation and may also vary even during the day (Barnes et al. 2015) and during the season (Solanki et al. 2019, Pescheck and Bilger 2019).

    7. leaves,

      I think before "that" there is no comma.

    8. PHYs,

      I would delete this comma.

    9. than was thought 12 years

      ... than was thought 12 years AGO? I would not refer in this way to the previous edition. Suggestion: In recent years, the importance of the role of time and timing in responses to UV radiation became more obvious. However, the following text does not refer to the time factor, but rather to the interaction of the various photoreceptors.

    10. 33

      These citations need to be included

    11. signalling

      ... signalling in the shade avoidance response

    12. , which seems contradictory unless the photobiont “talks” to the mycobiont or the mycobiont senses UV-B by an alternative mechanism. Is there something new known about this?

      Also cyanobacteria can sense UV-B radiation. I'm quite sure that we have not yet found all possible UV-B receptors. I think we need to do some more literature search and write something about the potential existrance of other UV-B receptors.

    13. An important source of ROS is leakage from electron transport in the light reactions of photosynthesis, thus sharing the wavelengths. However, formation of ROS is not limited to these wavelengths.

      Since we don't talk about the consequences of light reception thorugh the other receptors, I would not include the generation of ROS by light reception here. There are two more figures for signal transduction below. Should we include another one on ROS? Since this is a somewhat uncertain topic, I would not do that but rather add a little paragraph (at the time of writing this I have not yet read the whole chapter).

    14. recent reviews

      At some point we need to update all citations. I won't do that now, but in a separate session.

    15. of

      insert "UV radiation" after "of"

    16. and for aquatic plants

      This is double