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  1. Oct 2024
    1. The FederalHousing Administration, moreover, had no hesitation about insuring mortgagesthat contained clauses barring future sales to non-white buyers, and it refused tochannel money into integrated neighborhoods. In some cases, the presence of asingle Black family led the agency to declare an entire block off-limits for federalmortgage insurance. Along with discriminatory practices by private banks andreal-estate companies, federal policy became a major factor in furtherentrenching housing segregation in the United States.

      I heard about this very discriminatory tactic that the government and banks used in the past to prevent people of color from being able to get approved to buy a home or to be not allowed to move into good neighborhoods, that is insane and it's very sad, that's why we see that most of the properties are own by white communities.

    1. losing millions of dollars in risky investments promoted with get-rich-quick dazzle. The fourinvestment figures are clothed as the personification of greed

      This is so good to learn about it, history have a way to repeat itself, this event reminds me about what just happen in 2020 which the crazy speculation with the crypto monodies. a lot of people were even taking a loans to invest in crypto believing they could get rich easy and lost a lot of money, Good reflection.