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  1. Oct 2024
  2. static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
    1. aspirin

      A medicine we take in order to feel better

    2. ay and there was just a square black gap behindthe hearth. The floor was soaking wet and it stank of disinfectant. Dadwas filthy and wet and grinning. He took me into the backyard. Thetoilet was standing there in the middle of the thistles and weeds.“Thought it’d make a nice garden seat for us,” he said.The gas fire and the plywood were down by the garage door, but theyhadn’t been taken inside.He looked at me and winked. “Come and see what I found.”He led me down to the garage door.“Hold your nose,” he said. He bent down and started to open anewspaper parcel. “Ready?”It was a parcel of birds. Four of them.“Found them behind the fire,” he said. “Must have got stuck in thechimney and couldn’t get out again.”You could make out that three of them were pigeons because of theirgray and white feathers. The last one was pigeon-shaped, but it was allblack.“This was the last one I found,” he said. “It was under a heap of sootand dust that had fallen down the chimney.”“Is it a pigeon as well?”“Yes. Been there a long, long time, that’s all.”He took my hand.“Touch it,” he said. “Feel it. Go on, it’s okay.”

      they found dead birds that fell down the chimney. It is also sad and painful.

    1. He is telling us how emotional the story of icarus is.And it also tells us not to get carried away. and it is also a warning regarding to respect the limits of invaentions.

  3. Sep 2024
    1. the unseen world contains realities that we have never empirically seen

      yes this is true, since we cant see the angels but we know that they are here as it is mentioned in the Quran.