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  1. Last 7 days
    1. While we have our concerns about the privacy of our information, we often share it with social media platforms under the understanding that they will hold that information securely. But social media companies often fail at keeping our information secure.

      For Internet users, the possibility of personal information leakage is always there, and there is no way for us as individuals to ensure that our information will be completely and thoroughly protected by companies and governments, so cybersecurity and cyber information leakage are both a concern for people.

    1. There are many reasons, both good and bad, that we might want to keep information private.

      Privacy is complex and that people might seek it for morally sound or questionable reasons. That's the reflection of how cautious and concerned people have on security of their private information online.

    1. One of the main goals of social media sites is to increase the time users are spending on their social media sites.

      By learning about a range of users, social media platforms can precisely push information and content to users' preferences, a practice that can go a long way toward ensuring that users spend time using social media while increasing advertising revenue.

    1. For example, social media data about who you are friends with might be used to infer your sexual orientation. Social media data might also be used to infer people’s:

      After a series of learning, a machine can infer people's race by using some relevant data. For example, the race of a social media user can be easily determined based on the common language used in a person's online posts

  2. Oct 2024
    1. If the immediate goal of the action of trolling is to cause disruption or provoke emotional reactions, what is it that makes people want to do this disruption or provoking of emotional reactions?

      All of the ones mentioned below could be the purpose of trolling, but such a purpose is more about fulfilling certain desires of the publisher, such as wishing to make themselves more popular through this.

    2. Trolling is when an Internet user posts inauthentically (often false, upsetting, or strange) with the goal of causing disruption or provoking an emotional reaction.

      Trolling has always existed, especially in the last few years, and the recent increase in internet surveillance has only made it less common, but before that people were trolling for their own specific purposes, so people need to be on their guard.

    1. That means that both of us have an incentive not to betray or take advantage of each other, for our mutual protection.

      Long-standing social relations have led to the result that direct communication between people and cooperation is based on honesty, so that society can develop in the long term, therefore, when one of the two parties has a problem with honesty, it will immediately lead to a breakdown of the relationship and the transaction stops, which is why the society has to make rules to restrain people.

    2. Though, even after users discovered it was fictional, the channel continued to grow in popularity.

      When people have realized that the girl's behavior is acting, virtual and not real, why do they continue to watch while allowing the girl's channel to continue to explode in popularity, my personal opinion is that on the internet, the line of judging authenticity has become relatively blurred as most of the views are that most of the content on the internet is virtual, and that when the girl's behavior doesn't live up to the fraudulent When the girl's behavior does not amount to fraud, people will choose to forgive her.

    1. 2003 saw the launch of several popular social networking services: Friendster, Myspace, and LinkedIn. These were websites where the primary purpose was to build personal profiles and create a network of connections with other people, and communicate with them. Facebook was launched in 2004 and soon put most of its competitors out of business, while YouTube, launched in 2005 became a different sort of social networking site built around video.

      In today's society, the social media platforms we use have strong social attributes. People utilize social media to showcase themselves, share their lives, and network with others. Platforms like YouTube, as a form of social media, take a more innovative approach by delivering information through videos, offering a more dynamic and multifaceted way to convey content.

    1. In the 1980s and 1990s, Bulletin board system (BBS) provided more communal ways of communicating and sharing messages. In these systems, someone would start a “thread” by posting an initial message. Others could reply to the previous set of messages in the thread.

      The Bulletin Board System (BBS) is still a popular way to transmit information today. Unlike the monotonous bulletin boards of the past, when we visit any modern popular website, we often find such message boards present.

    1. As a social media user, we hope you learn how social media sites influence you, from how your data gets used or abused, to how harassment and spam bots operate, to how platforms manipulate your emotions and mental state.

      Using social media nowadays becoming the cautious behavior since so many spam bots are hiding behind the internet potentially. That is also the drawbacks of identity verified social medias. We need to stay cautious and clear.A

    1. When looking at real-life data claims and datasets, you will likely run into many different problems and pitfalls in using that data. Any dataset you find might have:

      As students studying data science, there are many situations where we cannot come across perfect databases, missing data, bias or uncertainty are very common data issues and we need to be alert at all times, and when we encounter these data issues, we need to perform a series of data cleansing to solve the problem

    1. In most cases, after the initial data representation is created, the computer runs a compression algorithm, which takes the image, sound, or video, and finds a way of storing it in much less computer memory, often losing some of the quality when doing so.

      This sentence simply summarizes how computers run algorithms to compress the memory of an image, sound or video, its saves memory but loses quality, the following icon is a more graphic representation of this feature and is very interesting

    1. On the other hand, some bots are made with the intention of harming, countering, or deceiving others. For example, people use bots to spam advertisements at people. You can use bots as a way of buying fake followers, or making fake crowds that appear to support a cause (called Astroturfing).

      Seeing how antagonistic bots can create fake support or spam ads makes me more aware of how automation can be misused, and it reminds me to be cautious when interacting with online content.

    1. We will not consider those to be bots, since they aren’t run by a computer.

      I was attempting to use code to automate publishing tweets on Reddit, but the website detected my activity, and my account was banned. I'm now wondering how I can prevent this in the future when running a bot. How can I make the bot’s actions more discreet and avoid detection?

    1. John Hartley points out that you could consider almost all of culture as “social media.”

      I really like this definition of referring to platforms involving computers, the internet, communication, and connecting people as "social media." This approach highlights its strong social nature, as people use these mediums to exchange information and enhance social interaction, much like another version of society, but existing online. Therefore, "social media" possesses the same societal attributes.

    1. Rejects Confucian focus on ceremonies/rituals. Prefers spontaneity and play.

      Based on the general patterns in the history of world religions, most religions tend to have exclusivity. However, Confucianism emphasizes placing others at the center, even advocating for self-sacrifice to benefit others. In contrast, Taoism resists this idea and focuses on the importance of individual life, taking personal values as its foundation. Taoism explores how to achieve spiritual happiness and the immortality of life, rather than putting others first.