22 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2018
    1. bonobos are known for resolving conflicts peacefully, through sexy cuddling rather than violence—a trick humans haven’t quite mastered

      Could you imagine if this was how people resolved things? Presidential elections would be much more interesting.

    2. a force that is not democratic and has never tried to liberate anyone or anything

      How ironic...

    3. The idea that people once had to call a telephone wired to a building in the hope of reaching a person who might be there seems quaint, clunky, and a little absurd to our children

      Dang kids and their TECK-KNOLL-OH-GEE

    4. There’s always been a moral case for stopping slavery; now there’s an environmental reason too

      Unfortunately, there's not an economical reason which would be the only reason the people and nations in power would actually care.

    5. we don’t need more laws. We need to end slavery

      This sounds interesting because it almost seems like to stop slavery, we have to go against the law ourselves.

    6. It makes sense that slavery and environmental destruction would go hand in hand.

      If they don't care about their people, why would they care about their environment?

    7. There’s an intimacy in the stone we use to mark the final resting place of someone we love; there’s another sort of intimacy in the less obvious but still essential minerals that let us speak with our loved ones on phones or write to them on computers

      The relation of slave labored granite to cell phones is interesting and certainly a great segue for the article.

    8. these men were appalled when they saw footage from the quarries

      So they didn't know exactly where they were getting their material from, they just knew it was cheap and didn't ask questions.

    9. People have found it easy to just walk into the forest and start mining

      It's difficult to believe that this is public knowledge, but nothing can be done about it. I understand that these are third world countries, but if this keeps being ignored, they will remain that way forever.

    10. The protected state and national forest parks rest on top of granite deposits

      It's amazing to think that, just because it's in a third world country, the authorities can be bribed so easily while in Europe and the US parks are (overall) effectively protected. There's a sort of cycle that's happening to influence this type of behavior on both sides (the importers and exporters).

  2. Jan 2018
    1. Mr. Oldbuck politely takes leave of them

      Yeah, what a polite guy. That's how I'd describe him. Polite.

    2. Having become extremely thin, Mr. Oldbuck takes her to the mountains to drink milk

      She needs some MILK!

    3. Meanwhile the citizen, who had complained to the police, and having no intruder to deliver up, is arrested as a trickster or buffoon.


    4. sleepy citizen

      All's I know is that Sleepy Gary is my BEST FRIEND

    5. breaks a hole in the roof and disappears.


    6. His horse bursting with fat

      How is it that he let his horse get that fat, but his dog is still wasting away?

    7. Ms. Oldbuck returns home

      I'm curious if this was a typo

    8. Having vanquished his adversary

      This guy was too dull to stab himself, but could win a duel? Come on, really?

    9. rather annoys the good folks

      "My word, Oldbuck! You've gone and struck us all in the face with a large wooden beam! We are rather annoyed with you, sir!"

    10. He seeks to conquer the tender passion by study.

      I like that this man has two separate tables in this room. One specifically for leaning his elbow on and the other for studying.

    11. Mr. Oldbuck in love.

      Maybe it's just me, but he doesn't seem very "in love" in this panel. More like sad and tired if you ask me.


      I can only imagine what difficulties this man is going to have with his suit