30 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Roni Jacobson. I’ve Had a Cyberstalker Since I Was 12. Wired, 2016. URL: https://www.wired.com/2016/02/ive-had-a-cyberstalker-since-i-was-12/ (visited on 2023-12-10).

      I think the article explores the seriousness of cyberstalking and the lasting impact of this practice on victims, while also revealing the inadequacy of legal and social protection measures to protect victims. This personal narrative highlights the importance of cybersecurity and privacy rights, as well as the need for more proactive engagement and updating of social and legal systems when dealing with such incidents.

    1. Crowd harassment has also always been a part of culture, such as riots, mob violence, revolts, revolution, government persecution, etc.

      I feel that seeing these behaviors as part of the culture may also require a deeper analysis. These behaviors may be more accurately described as manifestations of political or social structural problems rather than purely cultural phenomena. Culture usually refers to the values, beliefs, customs and expressions shared by a group of people, and the use of "culture" in this sentence may be too broad.

    1. Jeremy Gray. Missing hiker rescued after Twitter user tracks him down using his last-sent photo. DPReview, April 2021. URL: https://www.dpreview.com/news/0703531833/missing-hiker-rescued-after-twitter-user-tracks-him-down-using-a-photo (visited on 2023-12-08).

      I think this story shows how social media and digital technology can play a key role in emergency relief. Twitter users used the last photos sent by the missing person to determine his location, reflecting how modern technology is powering traditional search and rescue operations. Despite the success of the rescue, it has also sparked discussion about the balance between privacy and security. Sharing location-related photos or information can expose a person's location, and sometimes this can be risky.

    1. Sometimes even well-intentioned efforts can do significant harm. For example, in the immediate aftermath of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, FBI released a security photo of one of the bombers and asked for tips. A group of Reddit users decided to try to identify the bomber(s) themselves. They quickly settled on a missing man (Sunil Tripathi) as the culprit (it turned out had died by suicide and was in no way related to the case), and flooded the Facebook page set up to search for Sunil Tripathi, causing his family unnecessary pain and difficulty. The person who set up the “Find Boston Bomber” Reddit board said “It Was a Disaster” but “Incredible” [p26], and Reddit apologized for online Boston ‘witch hunt’ [p27].

      I think this incident underscores the potential dangers of online crowdsourcing and the spread of misinformation, even with good intentions. While the Reddit users may have genuinely wanted to help authorities, their actions led to serious consequences for an innocent individual and their family.

  2. May 2024
    1. Catherine Liao, Rita and Shu. Great Wall of porn obscures China protest news on Twitter. TechCrunch, November 2022. URL: https://techcrunch.com/2022/11/28/great-wall-of-porn-obscures-china-protest-news-on-twitter/ (visited on 2023-12-08).

      I think this situation reflects the challenges Twitter faces in terms of content management, especially in terms of filtering and blocking spam and inappropriate content. Such a flood of information can be very frustrating for users who are trying to get valid information about a particular location. It also highlights the need for more effective technical solutions and strict policy measures to protect users from such content and maintain the quality and availability of information on the platform.

    1. One concept that comes up in a lot of different ethical frameworks is moderation. Famously, Confucian thinkers prized moderation as a sound principle for living, or as a virtue, and taught the value of the ‘golden mean’, or finding a balanced, moderate state between extremes. This golden mean idea got picked up by Aristotle—we might even say ripped off by Aristotle—as he framed each virtue as a medial state between two extremes. You could be cowardly at one extreme, or brash and reckless at the other; in the golden middle is courage. You could be miserly and penny-pinching, or you could be a reckless spender, but the aim is to find a healthy balance between those two. Moderation, or being moderate, is something that is valued in many ethical frameworks, not because it comes naturally to us, per se, but because it is an important part of how we form groups and come to trust each other for our shared survival and flourishing.

      I think this passage delves into moderation as a core principle in an ethical framework, and in particular how to find a balance between the two extremes of behavior. I grew up learning Confucius. By contrasting Confucius' doctrine of the mean with Aristotle's theory of virtue, I think it emphasizes that temperance is not only a natural expression, but also the basis for social group formation and mutual trust. But it reflects the commonality of cross-cultural values and their importance to individuals and communities.

    1. Anya Kamenetz. Selfies, Filters, and Snapchat Dysmorphia: How Photo-Editing Harms Body Image.

      I feel that filters and editing tools widely used on social media can visually modify people's looks, creating idealistic and often unattainable aesthetic standards. This constant exposure to unrealistic aesthetic standards can lead individuals to develop a distorted view of their own body image. In addition, long-term exposure to edited and filtered images can lead to users feeling dissatisfied with their natural appearance, which can affect their mental health and lead to problems with self-worth and self-esteem. The effect is particularly pronounced for young adults and adolescents.

    1. While taking a break from parts or all of social media can be good for someone’s mental health

      I know that information overload and constant updates on social media can increase a user's sense of stress and anxiety. Taking a break from social media can help people reduce their exposure to negative information, which can lower levels of psychological stress and anxiety. Comparison behaviors common on social media, such as comparing with other people's lives and achievements, can lead to feelings of envy and dissatisfaction. Staying away from this environment can help reduce such comparisons, which in turn can improve an individual's overall mood and self-satisfaction. While social media provides a platform to connect with people, over-reliance can undermine the ability to communicate face-to-face. Reducing social media use can encourage more real-life social activity and enhance the quality of relationships.

  3. Apr 2024
    1. Oliver Tearle. Who Said, ‘A Lie Is Halfway Round the World Before the Truth Has Got Its Boots On’?

      I think this incident underscores the rapidness with which rumors and disinformation can spread, in contrast to the slow spread of truth. This reminds us to think deeply and verify information to avoid being misled. At the same time, this phrase also reflects the challenge of information dissemination in modern society, and more efforts are needed to promote the dissemination of truth and reliable information.

    1. The meme above is composed of many pieces copied from elsewhere, and modified and put together. Here are the pieces we could identify: A painting: SACRED HEART OF JESUS by Dona Gelsinger [l38] (which itself is copying its form from centuries of paintings of the sacred heart [l39]) The background was switched out to make a yellow disk [halo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_(religious_iconography) [l40]) behind the head of Jesus Jesus’ face is replaced with Keanu Reeves’ bearded face (perhaps from the spongebob movie [l41]) A laughing emoticon [l42] is placed in Jesus’ hand. A watermark from @AllMemes appears on Jesus’ shoulder. The text about stealing memes is added at the top

      This thing brings me to ChatGPT. I once asked ChatGPT because I was worried about the theme of the essay, and what he presented to me was an idea that integrated many viewpoints into one idea. It makes me wonder if this idea is plagiarism. If it is not plagiarism, then this point of view also exists the idea that has been put forward before, if it is plagiarism, but this point of view has no direct article.

    1. Elon Musk [@elonmusk]. Trashing accounts that you hate will cause our algorithm to show you more of those accounts, as it is keying off of your interactions. Basically saying if you love trashing *that* account, then you will probably also love trashing *this* account. Not actually wrong lol. January 2023.

      I think Elon Musk points out a curious paradox of social media algorithms in his January 2023 tweet. He notes that excessively interacting with disliked accounts, such as by criticizing them, inadvertently prompts the algorithm to show more of similar content. This highlights how these algorithms prioritize engagement over user sentiment, potentially leading to an increased visibility of undesired content, thus fueling a cycle of negativity. Musk's casual tone suggests an awareness of this ironic outcome, adding a layer of humor to the critique.

    1. Individual analysis focuses on the behavior, bias, and responsibility an individual has, while systemic analysis focuses on the how organizations and rules may have their own behaviors, biases, and responsibility that aren’t necessarily connected to what any individual inside intends.

      I think individual analysis might focus on a manager who consistently gives negative feedback to an employee, causing distress and lowered job performance. The analysis could consider the manager's personal bias, communication style, or past experiences that influence their behavior towards the employee. While The system may also lack mechanisms for employees to provide feedback on their supervisors or seek mediation. This kind of analysis leads to recognizing that the problem is not just with the individual manager but with the policies and culture of the organization.

    1. Color blindness. December 2023. Page Version ID: 1188749829. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Color_blindness&oldid=1188749829 (visited on 2023-12-07).

      I realized that color blindness is a type of disability. I wonder if color weakness is also a type of disability. Because of color weakness it is difficult to distinguish several colors, or it is difficult to see the full color.

    1. A disability is an ability that a person doesn’t have, but that their society expects them to have.

      Every healthy adult in society is expected by parents, families and companies to have something to contribute. If these adults do not make the contributions that society expects of them, will this adult also be considered disabled? Even though he doesn't have any physical disabilities or mental problems.

    1. Right to privacy. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1186826760. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Right_to_privacy&oldid=1186826760 (visited on 2023-12-05).

      I appreciate the protection of the law, but I am always wary of many apps and websites that want to access my albums or contacts. I know the privacy law will protect me, but there are always people who will take advantage of the loopholes in the law to steal my information, and I hope the law will be improved.

    1. When we use social media platforms though, we at least partially give up some of our privacy.

      I couldn't agree more. Because some apps or websites require me to show my privacy at the beginning of use. Like my photo albums and contacts. Sometimes there are pictures I don't want to show people. But I always worry that websites and apps will hack into my phone and steal my personal information.

    1. Lindsey Murray. Here's How to Find Out Everything Facebook Knows About You. May 2017. Section: Life. URL: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/news/a44016/facebook-privacy-ad-settings/ (visited on 2024-01-30).

      I think this is a very scary thing. Without my knowledge, I was being known to another person. It's scary, so it's easy for people to assume my identity and do bad things.

    1. For example, social media data about who you are friends with might be used to infer your sexual orientation [h8]. Social media data might also be used to infer people’s: Race Political leanings Interests Susceptibility to financial scams Being prone to addiction (e.g., gambling)

      In my opinion, while the technology to infer deep personal information from social media data exists and can sometimes offer insights for benign purposes like personalized services, its use must be balanced with stringent ethical standards, transparent practices, and robust privacy protections to ensure individuals are not harmed or exploited.

    1. Is It Funny or Offensive? Comedian Impersonates FBI on Twitter, Makes MLK Assassination Joke. January 2020. URL: https://isitfunnyoroffensive.com/comedian-impersonates-fbi-on-twitter-makes-mlk-assassination-joke/ (visited on 2023-12-05).

      I think such people have no sense of morality. They have no sense of boundaries when it comes to serious things. They may want attention, but they ignore social principles and social order. This is the wrong guide for many teenagers on the Internet.

    1. If the immediate goal of the action of trolling is to cause disruption or provoke emotional reactions, what is it that makes people want to do this disruption or provoking of emotional reactions?

      I think those people don't really care about these topics or have a substantial interest in these discussions, and their main purpose is to pass the time for fun by manipulating other people's emotional responses. This behavior allows them to feel an extraordinary sense of control and accomplishment in their ordinary daily lives, even though this accomplishment is built on the troubles of others.

    1. 6. Authenticity

      I think caring about and verifying the authenticity of online posts reflects a person's concern for the quality of information and a desire to make informed judgments. But this needs to be balanced, because excessive skepticism about online information can lead to excessive doubt and unnecessary anxiety. In general, I feel that seeking authenticity is a beneficial habit, but it should also be based on the ability to efficiently find and process information.

    1. lonelygirl15. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1186146298. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lonelygirl15&oldid=1186146298 (visited on 2023-11-24).

      I think people are so angry because they can't accept that their favorite YouTuber is a fake. A lot of people may be disgusted with using fake things to get attention. There are also people who are jealous that the YouTuber can get a lot of views or make a lot of money and say "it's fake."

    1. Anonymous (hacker group). November 2023. Page Version ID: 1186471096. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Anonymous_(hacker_group)&oldid=1186471096 (visited on 2023-11-24).

      Anonymous first became associated with hacktivism in 2008 following a series of actions against the Church of Scientology known as Project Chanology. On January 15, 2008, the gossip blog Gawker posted a video in which celebrity Scientologist Tom Cruise praised the religion; and the Church responded with a cease-and-desist letter for violation of copyright. 4chan users organized a raid against the Church in retaliation, prank-calling its hotline, sending black faxes designed to waste ink cartridges, and launching DDoS attacks against its websites.

    1. As we’ve looked through the history of social media platforms, we’ve seen different ways of making them work, such as:

      I feel that advances in social media have made the world more connected, allowing people to communicate with people from all over the world, facilitating the global exchange of culture, information and opinions. And the speed and scope of information has expanded like never before, allowing people to quickly get updates on news and events, as well as express opinions on social phenomena and participate in public discussions.

    1. Twitter. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1187856185. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter (visited on 2023-12-01).

      As a user, I feel Twitter encompasses a wide variety of content, including news, entertainment, politics, technology, and more. We can follow different accounts according to interests and customize the personalized information flow. But because Twitter is so diverse, information overload and the spread of disinformation can be hard to control. I feel like it needs some control.

    1. On the other hand, if you have only partial data, the results of your utility calculus may become skewed.

      I think that this kind of evaluation is essentially a data-driven process whose accuracy and impartiality are directly affected by the quality and integrity of the available data. I don't think it makes sense to evaluate morality in this way.

    1. This disturbing image of a Chinese worker with close to 100 iPhones reveals how App Store rankings can be manipulated. February 2015. URL:

      Some people prefer downloading high ranking app, since they think it’s safer than other apps. So, some companies will buy the ranking, try to make people believe they have better app. As a consumer, I also loverly try high ranking apps. In my subconscious, these high ranking apps can be trusted.

    1. Python

      I think Python is a very suitable programming language for beginners because its syntax is clear and intuitive, and there are many resources to take advantage of. Java once made me think that I didn't have the ability to learn CS, but Python made me feel my outstanding CS learning ability. I also found some excellent programming tutorial channels on YouTube like "Corey Schafer" and "Sentdex", their videos are great for beginners.

  4. Mar 2024
    1. But when we use the phrase “social media,” we mean something much more specific, something involving computers (or smartphones), the internet, communication, and networks of connected people.

      I believe that letters are also a form of social media. However, they are not related to any electronic devices. This is because most people write letters with a pen, and the letters themselves are made of paper. I'm aware that there are apps for electronic mails available online nowadays, but I think that returning to the essence of letter writing, it remains a form of communication entirely unrelated to electronic devices. Therefore, I believe that social media isn't limited to just digital platforms; letters count as one too.

    1. Confucianism

      Confucianism emphasizes an individual's social responsibilities and moral ethics, aiming to establish an ideal society founded on these principles. It suggests that personal cultivation and practice are the means to find life's meaning. On the other hand, Taoism focuses on the enlightenment and liberation of wisdom, aspiring to return to simplicity and live in harmony with nature, thereby creating a content and joyful human paradise. This is achieved through personal cultivation and nurturing of one's nature to attain life's wisdom. Some say Confucius is like an ambitious youth full of aspirations, while Laozi appears more like an elder who has seen through the vanities of the world.