17 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. SPECIALIZATIONS: Marriage and family therapists may represent themselves as either specializing in or having expertise within a limited area of marriage and family therapy, but only if they have the education, training, and experience that meets recognized professional standards to practice in t hat specialty area.

      This could include multicultural counseling training.

    2. 13.4 FALSE, MISLEADING, OR DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING: Marriage and family therapists do not use any means of professional identification, including but not limited to: a business card, office sign, letterhead, telephone, email address, association directory listing, Internet, social media or any other media, if it includes a statement or claim that is false, fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive

      PLAIN business cards without catchphrases seem safest.

    3. Marriage and family therapists participate in activities that advance the goals of the profession.

      And what are those goals?

    4. 8.3 ETHICAL COMPLAINTS AGAINST COLLEAGUES:Marriage and family therapists are encouraged to take reasonable actions to resolve disputes with colleagues before filing an ethics complaint against a colleague. Reasonable measures may include, addressing the matter with the colleague, consultation, and/or mediation. Marriage and family therapists do not file or encourage the filing of ethics or other complaints that they know, or reasonably should know, are frivolous.

      Talk to the person first, and try to work it out.

    5. 7.8 CULTURE AND DIVERSITY: Supervisors and educators are aware of and address the role that culture and diversity issues play in their supervisory and educational relationships, including, but not limited to, evaluating, terminating, disciplining, or making decisions regarding supervisees or students.

      This is good ---- avoids some of the issues that the Talib case in Corey & Corey brought up.

    6. therapists consider the appropriateness and suitability of this therapeutic modality in meeting the client’s/patient’s needs and do so competently. The suitability and appropriateness of Telehealth includes consideration of multiple factors such as the client’s/patient’s familiarity with the modality, the issues to be addressed, the therapeutic orientation, and other pertinent factors.

      the cultural orientation - would it distance you more from someone who wants to first get to know you before diving into deeper issues? Also, older clients might not be as familiar with telehealth and might experience more stress while first navigating it.

    7. community resources

      Including community experts and professionals like spiritual/religious leaders and community leaders who have an inside knowledge of the community the therapist is working with.

    8. exercise caution when making public their professional recommendations or their professional opinions through testimony, social media and Internet content, or other public statements.

      Interesting - teach but not preach. Do education on topics without asserting their opinions too much, since their position might would wield power over others.


      Self-examination almost the same as what is in our Corey & Corey text.

    10. 5.8 GIFTS: Marriage and family therapists carefully consider the clinical and cultural implications of giving and receiving gifts or tokens of appreciation.

      Considering the cultural and clinical implications allows therapists to exercise their own judgement when deciding whether to accept or decline a gift.

    11. 5.7 SENSITIVITY TO DIVERSITY: Marriage and family therapists actively strive to identify and understand the diverse backgrounds of their clients/patients by obtaining knowledge, gaining personal awareness, and developing sensitivity and skills pertinent to working with a diverse client/patient population.

      Same as 5.6, and also interesting that it is placed right below Staying Current.

    12. 5.6 STAYING CURRENT: Marriage and family therapists remain current with developments in their field through educational activities or clinical experiences. Marriage and family therapists, when acting as teachers, supervisors, and researchers, stay informed about changes in the field, maintain relevant standards of scholarship, and present accurate information.

      Staying current can also mean staying informed about relevant multicultural issues facing the communities they work with and pursuing ongoing continuing education experiences that deepen and contextualize the therapist's scope of practice.

    13. marriage

      still uses MFT instead of CFT - intrinsic bias towards married couples.

  2. Jan 2025
    1. Marriage and family therapists do not use any professional identification (such as a business card, office sign, letterhead, Internet, or telephone or association directory listing) if it includes a statement or claim that is false, fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive.

      use very basic business cards. no misleading slogans (reminds me of personal injury lawyers).

    2. Marriage and family therapists continue therapeutic relationships only so long as it is reasonably clear that clients are benefiting from the relationship.

      So important!!!

    3. Marriage and family therapists respect the rights of clients to make decisions and help them to understand the consequences of these decisions

      reminds me of the recovery model about not giving advice

    4. (a) has the capacity to consent

      what about prison settings?