- Oct 2017
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
John Coltrane
Check out "A Love Supreme" on whatever platform you use.
James Baldwin
Click this, too.
Vine Deloria.
Click this--learn.
orionmagazine.org orionmagazine.org
Alexis wrote "What You Pawn I Will Redeem"
- Jun 2017
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
six components of practice
Smith does a fantastic job of giving at least one specific example of how she has facilitated many of her suggestions. My annotations are asking for other suggestions for and examples of how one might facilitate her six components.
workshop-based writing, students use re-flective pieces to monitor their own growth and plan for future composition tasks (Atwell 277–28; Ze-melman and Daniels 56). Likewise, an inquiry-based approach culminates in a reflective component, in which students recount not just what they did, but how they did it and why that worked (Hillocks, Ways94–95; Smagorinsky et al., Teaching Argument 95).
Prompts and/or workflow suggestions for this work?
peers, who responded to each other’s writing with questions, challenges, praise, and suggested re-visions.
Suggestions for best practices, exercises, questions to facilitate this kind of peer feedback?
te power corrupts absolutely, or that power brings about more good than evil? Do the characters love for selfish, or selfless, reasons? Is it possible in this play to delineate the heroes from the monsters? These debates occupy one week of class time, but
Are the debate topics generated by the students?
The picture conjured by principled practice is quite different: the classroom is buzzing with social engagement; as students discuss ideas, they push each other to higher levels of cognition. In fact, central to the workshop-based approach is talking, and that is why peer and student conferences are so successful: as students talk through their writing with others, they come to realizations they couldn’t achieve on their own.
What are some of the ways such engagement (conversations) can be facilitated in order to achieve a high level of discourse and understanding?
or inquiry sequences that help students “expand their repertoire of problem-solving strategies and composing procedures
What might these look like? Examples?
I use backwards de-sign to develop our lesson plans: What do we want our students to write, and why? What skills are required, and how do students acquire those skills (Wiggins and McTighe 34)?
McTighe's UbD advice to "think big, start small, and go for an early win" is helpful here (and whenever trying new approaches to teaching): https://youtu.be/d8F1SnWaIfE?t=3m40s
rather than student discovery
- What are some ways that students discover? (Suggested exercises?)
- How do teachers gauge how much instruction is too little or much? (Suggested practices? What can we try and what can we look for?)
fulfill my moral imperative as a teacher
Do all teachers have the same "moral imperative"?
Principled Revolution
prin·ci·pled adjective
1. (of a person or their behavior) acting in accordance with morality and showing recognition of right and wrong. "a principled politician" synonyms: moral, ethical, virtuous, righteous, upright, upstanding, high-minded, honorable, honest, incorruptible "she is clearly the most principled among the candidates" 2. (of a system or method) based on a given set of rules. "a coherent and principled approach"
- May 2017
thesuperlativesubjunctive.blogspot.com thesuperlativesubjunctive.blogspot.com
Three seemingly unrelated words
Effective use of an image to communicate the relationship (or how these words are related) among these words.