3 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2022
    1. Often writers will strengthen their case against the counterargument by taking a step back and limiting what they are claiming. They might make an exception for a particular case which they can’t support. Or they might clarify that their claim only applies to a particular group or situation.

      I feel like the counter argument is very important to any argument or position paper because it adds character to yourself and the audience because you are forcing yourself to take a step back and realize that you could be wrong and I feel it is a sense of respect to your audience or whoever you are writing to.

    1. Some need the physicality of taking notes by hand in the margins of a book or a printout. Some take notes by creating comments in Word or Google Docs.

      I feel writing in the margins or on sticky notes when i read something really helps me understand and take in the message of the author or what the character is feeling at a given moment in the text. Also, the examples given right below this section i thought was very helpful to look at and refer back to.