69 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2020
    1. Standingallaloneontheshore,Colefelthisangersmoldering.Soonitwouldexplodelikegunpowder

      some times some alone time for Cole can be helpful for him to expresss his feelings.

    2. Theprosecutormighthaveyouwatchaveterinarianoperateforadaytorealizethevalueoflife

      I think sometimes we need a lesson in life to open our eyes to realize the wrong and rights.

    3. Colecouldn’tbelievehisparentswerelettingthishappentohim.

      I believe sometimes things in life turn around even if its difficult

    4. TwomenaccompaniedColeonthisfinallegofhisjourney.

      i think everything he has gone through in life impact him in a way

    1. d being flexible and open-minded as a learner, becoming an active reader is about using strategies to get through difficult texts. Each time you try a new strategy that works for you, and continue to use and practice that strategy, you will be able to persist through any difficult text you encounter by annotating your way through difficult sections, with various new ways of annotating and asking questions to solve problems.

      I feel like being open minded to new ideas and strategies build up more on growing your mindset while you read and do whats best for you as a reader.

    2. k questions about what the writer is doing,

      Is a great tool to ask questions and annotate so you can interact with the author in a way.

    3. reading like a writer involves picking up on the language choices, audience, purpose and main message of the writer, as well as the way in which the writer presents those moves within a particular structure, style, and set of conventions.

      Yes I agree connecting together is a way to develop in your writing skills

    4. The best way to increase your vocabulary, formality, or other skills, habits, and choices that professional writers make, for example, is by reading, and specifically reading in the discipline in which you wish to write.

      Yes I can relate to this I feel like reading helps my writing and understanding skills go up, even if you are watching a video with subtitles just by reading them is helping you in a way.

    5. your experiences, your memories, your knowledge from other literature, other courses, and other texts – are all very important to bring to your reading process.

      Yes I agree with Paulo Freire who you are as a reader it matters in all the ways and its part of the process in building your reading and writing strategies.

    6. When you are more active in your own reading process, you not only comprehend and retain the information better — reading becomes dynamic and interactive.

      I feel like when someone is interested in what their reading is when they gather all the information better and connect with the auhor.

    7. rom asking questions in the margins, to making connections with other texts and other authors.

      Its always good to make connections or questions to the author , its a way to express yout understanding through out the book.

    8. An important part of growing as a reader and writer is understanding who you are as a learner

      Yes this shows the importance reading and wrting is to you.

    9. These strategies include various ways of annotating for different learning styles.

      I agree using different stratigies can change the way you annotate.

    1. When scanning, you want to look for particular ways that the author or publisher of a text made certain words or ideas stand out

      I agree scanning a book can be a helpful tool to see if something interesting stands out to you.

  2. Oct 2020
    1. open the door to other cultural norms and standards.

      being open minded is good

    2. develop a learning organization, where it is expected that everyone will make mistakes and those mistakes offer opportunities for learning;

      yes I feel like theres always a process in learning and to accept the mistakes but keep moving forward.

    3. often internally felt, in other words the perfectionist fails to appreciate her own good work, more often pointing out his faults or ‘failures,’ focusing on

      I feel like its really common in some students to feel like their failing because they dont have the right resources or dont feel motivated enough.

    1. Voting and participating in the democratic process are key.


    2. He said each of us has a moral obligation to stand up, speak up and speak out.

      Yes I agree speaking out is a good power you can advocate for others aswell.

    3. You filled me with hope about the next chapter of the great American story when you used your power to

      Hope and power is all people need to be inspired and to keep going on.

    1. And that’s my exact argument, that we all should know everybody’s dialect, at least as many as we can, and be open to the mix of them in oral and written communication (Young).

      yes we should be open to others dialect which would bring communication.

    2. Dominant language ideology also say peeps can speak whateva the heck way they want to—BUT AT HOME

      I agree with this everyones household can speak whatever they want because they have their own rulez to it.

    3. But dont nobody’s language, dialect, or style make them “vulnerable to preju-dice.” It’sATTITUDES.

      What does this sentence mean ?

    4. It be negative views about other people usin they own language,

      I believe no language should be viewed negatively.

    5. Cultural critic Stanley Fish come talkin bout—in his three-piece New York Times “What Should Colleges Teach?” suit—there only one way to speak and write to get ahead in the world, that writin teachers should “clear [they] mind of the ortho-doxies that have taken hold in the composition world” (“Part 3”). He say dont no student have a rite to they own language if that language make them “vulnerable to prejudice”; that “it may be true that the standard language is [...] a device for protecting the status quo, but that very truth is a reason for teaching it to students”

      I think what this paragrapgh is trying to sy is wether you speak formal or not formal english it should not be taken as the wrong way.

    1. I’m here to tell you that even our language has rules

      I agree every language has its own rules and ways .

    2. I have decided to treatall three of my languages as equal

      I love this, treating your languages equal has a lot of significance

  3. Sep 2020
    1. " You have to hone effective time managing skills and , most important become self reliant." ( pg.28) I believe once you start college you have to adapt new skills and responsibilities.

    2. "Its hard to know what to expect from college when you don't have a parent or sibling to show you the ropes." ( pg. 30) I can relate to this, as being a first generation student is hard to guide yourself when you have no one close to you that been through this college path already to advice you.

    3. "Oftentimes, money is masking another problem." (pg. 30) I think money can be one of the biggest problems in college for students to think twice if they want to keep going because they cant afford it.

    4. " Its amazing how much you grow during your college years if you remain open to new ideas and experiences." (pg. 31) This is true , if you stay open to new ideas and things in life your growth in college would be bigger.

    5. "ask for help professors, for the most part, are friendly folks who are more than willing to help a student in need." (pg. 28) I believe that asking help to a professor is the best thing you can do when you don't understand something well. Asking for help is nothing wrong it will actually show that your interested in trying and in learning.

    6. "You don't have to strive to be the most popular person on campus, but a few personal connections can help you feel more at home." (pg. 28) Yes I feel like this is an important point connecting with at least a few people can help you a lot in many ways.

    1. Sandwich

      Sandwich is the best way to structure a paragraph.

    2. The three forms of textual evidence are summary, paraphrase, and direct quote and when we use any one of them, we need to cite our source and accredit the author.

      I agree with this , we should always remember that if we are adding textual evidence to always give credits to the author

    3. Analyze specific, expressive, or vivid language

    1. What is the most important idea your audience should understand from reading this paragraph or evidence?

      I believe questioning yourself with this questions will help you structure your paragraph good.

    2. research to help you analyze the connection between your evidence and opinion about the topic

      Researching is a good tool to analyze your connections with evidence.

    3. Topic Sentence focuses the paragraph on your opinion about one topic, and directly relates to the thesis statement to create a topic sentence:

      I agree that your topic sentence would start of what your paragraph would be about.

    1. pg. 263 "Book after book showed me how the white man had brought upon the worlds black, brown, red, yellow peoples every variety of the sufferings of exploitations" This is a really deep quote on what the author realizes from reading books and his thought on how unfair it is to color people.

    2. pg. 262 " I read the histories of various nations, which open my eyes gradually."<br> I agree with this because when I will read in my history class about different nations and topics it made me realize what they been through and are going through.

    3. pg. 258 " I believe it took me a day. Then, aloud, I read back, to myself everything I had written on the table." This is good way to study on your own and to be able to improve.

    4. pg. 260 " So when lights out came, I would sit on the floor where I could continue reading in that glow" This shows how important reading was to this inmate in prison and it shows that you can make anything work.

    5. pg 258 "I saw the best thing I could do was get hold of a dictionary to study" I agree with this I feel like the dictionary can be great tool to help you study and know more words.

    6. pg.256 " The least I can do is refuse to press on their tenderest spots" I agree I think is best to not do bad if you wouldn't want to get pres.

    1. I began to write storiesusing all the EnglishesI grew up with

      This a great tool to improve English and connecting all the Englishers you know of.

    2. the fact that people in departmentstores, at banks, and in restaurants did not take herseriously, did not give her good service, pretendednot to understand her, or even acted as if they didnot hear her

      This makes me mad because I don't know how people really have a cold heart to treat someone like that just because their English is not that good.

    3. y I've been giving morethought to the kind of English mymother speaks. Like others, I havedescribed it to people as "broken" or"fractured" English.

      Broken English is something you should not be embarrassed of yes it might not sound as good but it still shows the effort that you put in to speak the language and would be understandable.

  4. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. am my lan-guage. Until I can take pride in my language, I cannot take pride in myself.

      our language is a big part of us in life and has a lot of power I love how she said she can take pride of her language when it comes to time.

    2. communicating the realities and values true to themselves

      This shows that language is way to communicate and to express yourself through it .

    3. The dentist is cleaning out my roots.

      This can relate to some people who migrated to the U.S and for some reason or discrimination they can feel like the roots of where their from are being taken away.

    4. My "home" tongues are the languages I speak with my sister and brothers, with my friends

      I can relate to this , I have my own way of having a conversation with people I'm close with.

    5. by speaking English, you're ruining the Spanish language,"

      I believe that by speaking English it does not not ruin the Spanish language your just learning a new language.

    6. Es una (alta de respeto to talk back to one's mother or father.

      yes talking back to you parents or elders its really disrespectful and it doesn't look right .

    7. If you want to be American, speak 'American.' If you don't like it, go back to Mexico where you belong."

      Its crazy how someone will say something like this knowing "American" is not a language so, I suggest for that person to have some common sense before talking reckless.

    8. At age eleven. she began working in the fields as a migrant worker

      This can relate to some immigrant kids that no matter the age they have they will work in the fields to help their family.

    1. 

      Now days some people who don't realize that English is not always someone's first language in the U.S they can be judgmental about it.

    2. 

      Languages are amazing they can transmit a lot of things new ways of communicating ,new ideas ,community and more.

    1. Learning must be challenging, but everybody has their own level of challenge.

      Yes learning should be challenging based on our level, because challenging will help us grow more and prepare us for what's next.

    1. ohn argues that questioning is how students learn best,

      Asking questions is a good tool for us to understand better and expand our thinking through out the answers we will receive.

    2. learning is not just about reading information and memorizing it, but where what you get out of this text largely depends on the energy you put back into it

      I agree with this because when you read is not just to memorize the reading but to also make your own connections, thoughts and questions.

    1. first preparing you with the mindsets that will empower you to grow and learn through various college situations that you will encounter

      I feel like preparing your mindset is a really important step to grow academically.

    1. To reflect on your own learning styles and build strategies for reading and writing

      I agree with this because when you want to improve on writing and reading you have to reflect on what your doing to build better skills.

  5. Aug 2020
    1. reading engages you in solving real issues in the world that have meaning for you beyond the page.

      This shows that reading can help you understand things better and even solve problems in life.

    2. We have just established that there are multiple ways of thinking, learning, and expressing ourselves.

      I agree with this because there's many ways for us to express ourselves with the thought's we have.

    1. t's not easy to know what is true for you or me

      I agree with this, is not easy to know the truth of something.

    1. Essentially, your course grade will be determined by the amount of ​labor you putinto this class, your self-discipline, goals,​​and academic habits you build​, and ​your revision processes

      This important because it shows how our grade is going to be based on our own goals and the progress we make through our "Human practice and work". which I think is a good way to have our minds more out there.

    2. expand our thinking

      This shows how you wants us to engaged in class by expressing our thinking and that can be a way to help ourselves and the class.

    3. writing to whatever ​you​ think is important in the world,starting with your personal experience and who you are as a person

      This quote right here shows us that you want all of us as students to write about what matters to us and tell who we are.