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  1. Sep 2023
  2. human.libretexts.org human.libretexts.org
    1. inciting incident, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and dénouement.

      Useful guideline to follow when writing a story. This helps analyze the structure of the story to assure it makes sense to the reader.

    2. A plot is a storyline. We can define plot as the main events of a book, short story, play, poem, etc. and the way those events connect to one another. Conflicts act as the driving forces behind a plot

      Identifying the plot is an important step to understanding the story.

    1. we can determine the protagonist and antagonist. The protagonist is the focal point of the conflict

      Most stories have a protagonist who is the main character of the story.

    2. For instance, they can illustrate a different side of the main conflict, or they can highlight the traits of the main characters.

      This is can be helpful to provide a different perspective.

    3. ne of the most important terms you will use is conflict

      Key point to Characterization. It could be internal or external conflict

    4. In order to encourage us to continue reading, writers must force us to react in some way to their characters, whether it is to identify, empathise, or sympathise with them; to dislike or disapprove of them; or to pass judgement on their actions, behaviour and values.

      This is important to get the readers attention and be able to have them connect to the character or story.

    1. Firstly, the plot usually stretches over a relatively short time span, and will involve fewer characters than a novel. Secondly, a short story will have a certain structure with a turning point or climax which brings the plot in an unexpected direction.

      Important key points to distinguish a short story.

    1. In this section we will concentrate largely on the various elements that make up a fictional narrative; the events that make up a story and how they are arranged (the plot); the perspectives from which stories can be narrated; the act of characterisation; the importance of setting, both in terms of time and place; and the actual language and style which writers adopt to tell their narratives.

      This clearly states where to focus on in fictional writing.

    2. Fiction refers to literature created from the imagination. Mysteries, science fiction, romance, fantasy, chick lit, and crime thrillers are all fiction genres.

      Fiction is clearly defined here along with the genres that fall into this category.