20 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. With an average CV of 3.1%, the Jinfiniti Intracellular NAD® assay is highly reproducible.

      At least they know how to sell a product. CV is what I want to see.

    1. ***Do not comment critique without posting 1) references to support your claims 2) summary of the reference and 3) critique of each reference.


  2. Mar 2024
    1. And then of course we have the stool microbiome, which is the most widely used proxy marker for the gut microbiome.


    1. My focus is on **clinical applicability to an individual**. Over 90% of microbiome studies have been done with 16s or older technology. If you use a shotgun test, you can only safely use studies that also use shotgun tests.

      This is the caveat.

  3. Nov 2022
  4. Nov 2020
    1. Where to Go From Here


    2. 7. Read It Twice


    3. 6. Surround the Topic


    4. Some questions I consider when summarizing a book include


    5. 5. Write a Short Summary


    6. For example


    7. 4. Combine Knowledge Trees


    8. I get my notes into Evernote in three ways


    9. 3. Create Searchable Notes


    10. 2. Choose Books You Can Use Instantly


    11. 1. Quit More Books
