12 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. The Hess model was not roundly criticized, but also not widely accepted, partly because evidence was still lacking.

      Even though he knew he did not have a lot of support he continued with his research through seminars. Who knows how that may have affected science today if he had stopped the research.

    2. Earth’s magnetic pole had moved around significantly over time along polar wandering paths,

      I wonder what the difference has been over time and if humans have anything to do with changing this about the earth.

    3. As the rocks get younger, the arrow tilts toward horizontal, and then points downward

      Not only can we tell the magnetic direction of rocks, but we can also tell their age.

    4. A geosyncline

      Because of the geosyncline, many people believe that the earth's continents are generally the same as they have been over time.

    5. isostasy

      Isostasy is the earths equilibrium between the crust and mantle layers.

    6. One problem was that Earth wasn’t cooling fast enough to create the necessary amount of shrinking.

      This is one of the reasons why the theory was not supported enough.

  2. Feb 2024
    1. When sea-level fell, the land was exposed to erosion creating an unconformity.

      It's interesting to know that we used to have much more water on the earth than we do now and makes me wonder how different life would be if sea-levels stayed the same.

    2. deposited, so there are no rocks that represent events of Earth history during that span of time at

      This makes me wonder how much information we've lost about the earth because of this and how/ if that would impact the information we know today.

    3. Principle of Superposition

      It's really interesting to know that we can see calculate how old rocks are similarly to how trees have different layers.

  3. Jan 2024
    1. seeking guidance and feedback.

      Science is always evolving

    2. A quantitative measurement is expressed with a specific numerical value. Qualitative observations

      Quantitative = measurement with #'s Qualitative = descriptions

    3. hypothesis may be test

      All hypothesis are falsifiable therefore must be tested before considered scientifically accurate.