8 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. slowly reverting later

      Suggesting that rehabilitation is possible and brain - similar to Liver - can repair itself?

    2. Today, it is well understood that the prefrontal cortex of the brain controls the organization of behavior, including emotions and inhibitions.

      This is probably the most important piece of information on this page!

    1. dopamine

      Isn't Dopamine known as the youth element?

    2. Both terms are still used in neuroanatomy today

      Those words do not sound like Persian language.

    3. theory of dualism

      Which I am opposed to!

    4. (Gross, 1987)

      Do you need citation for this? Everybody knows Plato said that!

    1. On this view, the mind is what the brain does, and the brain and its processes are completely physical

      in Philosophy, this is discussed in depth and the main argument is that consciousness is a product of biochemical reactions in brain and therefore, physical. This mentality expands to dreams, thinking, cognition, etc. and includes all as physical matters. So, this is my challenge: if thoughts and mind are physical and a part of brain and since animals have brain, do animals think?

    2. We now know that damage to a small area less than the size of a quarter at the very base of your brain results in disruption of feeding and regulation of body weight.  Damage to another area of the brain located near your temples disrupts your ability to form new memories for facts and events, while leaving your ability to learn new motor tasks (such as skating or riding a bike) completely unaffected.  Damage to another brain area causes face blindness, or prosopagnosia, a disorder in which the afflicted individual can still see normally except that they cannot recognize familiar faces, even the faces of close family members or even their own face in a photograph

      How did they discover those? It's about human brain so they couldn't test this on animals. Did they damage a poor guy's brain to find out if they lose their balance or can't recognize their family anymore? Devil advocate of course but I'm curious.