8 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. two occasions only: Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998, although Richard Nixon was threatened with impeachment in 1974, prior to his resignation motivated by the Watergate scandal

      Why were they impeached

    2. Early in the proceedings it was agreed that the executive should serve a single seven-year term. Ineligibility for a second term was subsequently removed, then reinserted in late July.

      I had no clue about that

    3. inveighed

      Speak or write about with hostility

    4. Federalists, who were mostly content to make corrections to the Articles of Confederation, and the Federalists, who wanted a strengthened (page 5)p. 5central government of real authority

      The start of the 2 party system

    5. to preside

      Position of authority in a gathering. They have authority over the country but not tyrannical authority

    6. Continental Congress

      The in between government for articles of confederation to the constitution?

    7. effective leadership for the government was required.

      Whiskey rebellion; Shay’s rebellion proved how weak the articles of confederation

    8. unique plan, one applied ultimately to vast regions across a continent

      Stuck out to me they wanted to make everyone happy like the articles of confederation but it didn’t work so now they have compromise