7 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2021
    1. as the edge of a forest, an island, a shoreline, or some other pronounced physical characteristic

      It seems like it is difficult to understands the nature of the location of each ecosystem through the food web. The connection of the energy loop is clear but the boundary relationships to the patterns is not portrayed through the web.

    2. zero

      If the base is set at zero, does that also mean that there is no energy stored at this level?

  2. Oct 2021
    1. It is an evolved, adapted response to variation in resource availability, and it is a common phenomenon found in all major groups of animals.

      I think it is interesting to compare many of the innate behaviors of animals to those of humans especially migration. A lot the the patterns and habits of animals seem similar to human psychology topics, so it's compelling to consider when and why the human species may have lost forgotten instincts such as migration.

    2. no way resemble a fish in their shape

      This makes me wonder if there have been more tests similar to this- is there other evidence among different species that show aggression or alertness to the color red?

  3. Sep 2021
    1. hese biologists do not accept all aspects of human activity and culture as part of biodiversity, but they do recognize that the ecological and evolutionary diversity of domestic species, and the species composition and ecology of agricultural ecosystems are part of biodiversity.

      I would agree that human activity is difficult to include in biodiversity. I think we have evolutionary diversity and our agricultural systems are diverse, but because of our drastic effects on the ecosystem, I don't see our species naturally fitting into biodiversity. I also think our overpopulation has decreased a lot of natural biodiversity.

    1. parents with smaller bills had more offspring and the size of bills had evolved to be smaller.

      Would this be an example of a genetic mutation? or is it just a gradual process through years and generations?