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    1. he sickle-cell gene remains relatively common among people of African descent.

      it is very common to assume that only sickle cell anemia comes from those of African decent, however it can be common amongst those of any race, which is why the book only states that it is relatively common. There was an SNL skit that had received criticism normalizing the myth that only those of african decent can have this disease. https://youtu.be/Y9fnOViA1g0

    1. Many institutions of higher education are beginning to consider de-emphasizing the significance of SAT scores in making admission decisions (Rimer, 2008).

      I find this surprising that they are taking research methods into affect when it comes to the ACT and SAT. It would be nice to know that possibly in the future, colleges won't look at ACT scores as a bases of getting into college. Especially when there are various other factors that can determine if a college freshman will do their first year of college. https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/higher-ed-policy/sat-and-act-are-less-important-you-might-think#:~:text=Colleges%20that%20did%20not%20require,advocacy%20group%20working%20to%20%E2%80%9Cend

    1. Over the course of 40 years, many of the participants unknowingly spread syphilis to their wives (and subsequently their children born from their wives) and eventually died because they never received treatment for the disease.

      I don't understand how those who were in charged of this experiment didn't ever have consequences to their actions. I understand that they discontinued it but those who were in charge of this should've had a court case over the aftermath of this case. No one ended up getting prosecuted for the aftermath even thought many people were negatively affected by this.

    1. How can we go about finding answers that are supported not by mere opinion, but by evidence that we can all agree on? The findings of psychological research can help us navigate issues like this.

      I find this very interesting and intriguing because it is easy to allow our opinions to take ahold of us. I can understand how it is important to be able to keep our opinions out of it evidence and findings and excited to learn about how scientist are able to do that accurately!

    1. In Freud’s view, the unconscious mind was a repository of feelings and urges of which we have no awareness.

      I find it surprising that he viewed the mind in this way and I can imagine that it can be difficult to study the unconscious mind because we aren't consciously thinking about it. I also wonder if his findings would be accurate at in his idea of the unconscious mind.

    1. cience deals only with matter and energy, that is, those things that can be measured, and it cannot arrive at knowledge about values and morality. This is one reason why our scientific understanding of the mind is so limited, since thoughts, at least as we experience them, are neither matter nor energy. The scientific method is also a form of empiricism. An empirical method for acquiring knowledge is one based on observation, including experimentation, rather than a method based only on forms of logical argument or previous authorities.

      This is a tricky topic to wrap my head around because as they are stating that our thoughts that we constantly isn't matter or energy. I believe that they are stating that the y usually have to use experiments based on observation but to what extent does that limit the results of an experiment?

    2. Psychology refers to the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychologists use the scientific method to acquire knowledge. To apply the scientific method, a researcher with a question about how or why something happens will propose a tentative explanation, called a hypothesis, to explain the phenomenon. A hypothesis should fit into the context of a scientific theory, which is a broad explanation or group of explanations for some aspect of the natural world that is consistently supported by evidence over time.

      I find it interesting that through many experiments, scientist were able to identify what psychology is exactly and how to study it

    1. volunteer

      Hi my name is Aida Burks. I am in the Puka Puka tribe! My favorite pizza topping is Pepperoni!